Edited by GAEME, December 12 2014 - 3:02 AM.
GAEME - Do you have a Prenolepis species in Korea? They don't come out when it's snowing, but they do forage in quite cool weather.
Until GAEME's colony starts growing, these pictures at a Japanese ant site are worth looking at: http://www.antroom.j.../page/photo004/
P. samurai is almost black, very similar in color to its usual host, Formica japonica.
(P. nigerrimus of Mongolia is even darker, almost a true black.)
Edited by James C. Trager, December 12 2014 - 4:53 AM.
How much snow do you usually get? What temperatures do you usually see?
When do you expect your spring to come?
I live in northern Canada, I have had snow since October and do not expect to see anything green until late May or mid-June.
We are currently in a warm spell and are -5C, but 3 weeks ago it was -35C.
"Always do right. This will gratify some people, and astound the rest." -- Samuel Clemens
I'm at the same boat [if it gets any warmer and melts anymore snow i'll need a boat!] as Crystal, it was actually -40C out here once already, now it's in the +3-5C range it's like Summer Time, I've even seen people BBQ'ing.
My area (Near Toronto) has been mild. Hardly going below - 5C. The weather forecast says I should expect 3C avg for a week.
I haven't been to Korea for nearly 2 decades but as far as I remember Korean winter is slightly colder than Ontario winter with about the same amount of snow if not more.
Edited by dean_k, December 12 2014 - 12:58 PM.
We've been getting down to a frigid 60 degrees F where I am.
That is too cold for my Southern Californian taste drew!
How much snow do you usually get? What temperatures do you usually see?
When do you expect your spring to come?
I live in northern Canada, I have had snow since October and do not expect to see anything green until late May or mid-June.
We are currently in a warm spell and are -5C, but 3 weeks ago it was -35C.
I'm in a warm spell too, hasn't snowed at all although it usually starts snowing about September. I hope but doubt it to not see any white flakes falling from the sky until it gets warm.
Drew and Greg, come move here, in January it will be -40C Easy!
In January, flights start for us!
In January we get hit hard with snow and get to go snowmobiling on lakes
Oh forget that. If I tried that I would for sure end up on the bottom of the lake.
I wanna do that.
<To James C. Trager >
We don't have any Prenolepsis in Korea.
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