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Removing Pesticides from fruit

food ant feeding apples pesticide removal

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#1 Offline YsTheAnt - Posted December 27 2017 - 11:57 PM


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As most people know, feeding ants pesticide filled fruit can kill a colony within days or even hours. I have seen quite a few people feed their ants fruits like apples, so how does one make sure the fruit is safe? Thanks for any help!

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#2 Offline Martialis - Posted December 28 2017 - 12:13 AM


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A simple rinsing off will do. We do that for humans.


#3 Offline drtrmiller - Posted December 28 2017 - 1:03 AM



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Better yet, avoid fruit. Fruit offers no nutritive benefit over waters with added sugar, and is little more than a spongy ticking time bomb, off which the ants may lick a small amount before quickly going moldy and posing serious danger to the colony.

Edited by drtrmiller, December 28 2017 - 1:34 AM.

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#4 Offline YsTheAnt - Posted December 28 2017 - 9:28 AM


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Ok, thanks for the help.

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#5 Offline nurbs - Posted December 29 2017 - 12:25 AM


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Better yet, avoid fruit. Fruit offers no nutritive benefit over waters with added sugar, and is little more than a spongy ticking time bomb, off which the ants may lick a small amount before quickly going moldy and posing serious danger to the colony.


That's an oversimplification. It depends on the species. N. cockerelli do not like sweets such as honey or nectar, but they absolutely love the juice from apple slices. The apple slices remain in the formicarium for weeks without mold (they eventually dry out), and I still find them munching on it even after it has become spongy.


Just wash the fruit, and peel the skin. I send out a care sheet for every species sold and always make a note to wash the fruit and peel the skin for pesticides.


Aside from the usual insects like fruit flies and crickets, they also love crushed sunflower seeds.

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#6 Offline YsTheAnt - Posted January 1 2018 - 6:20 PM


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Thanks for the help.

Nurbs, my friend bought a Novomessor colony from you for me, he also bought a C. Laevgatus colony for himself. I really like the care sheet you sent with them. They are doing well, were at 15 workers but one died, it was a nanitic. They are about to get three more workers though. The queen layed eggs today, after I fed them a peeled and washed apple slice, so it seems safe. I also wanted to ask you, do you feed them crushed sunflower seeds with or without the shell?

Edited by YsTheAnt, January 1 2018 - 6:21 PM.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: food, ant, feeding, apples, pesticide, removal

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