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AnthonyP163's Fungus Gnat Journal/Research

gnat journal research

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#1 Offline AnthonyP163 - Posted December 23 2017 - 4:37 PM



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Ever since I started my Plants and Terrarium journal on here, I've had fungus gnats flying around. they've been here for months, and I'm going to try to learn about them.


I made 2 test tube setups, then I caught 2 pairs of fungus gnats, and made one setup with a clump of soil.


The other test tube setup is the normal ant setup, with a water reservoir behind cotton for them to drink from.

I'm going to try to find out if they will lay eggs in cotton, how long it takes for their larvae to become flies, and other such habits, the ones that are obscure.


Here they are, in setups.


pair without the soil:



pair with soil:



Hard to see them since they're so small, I'll get better pictures later.

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#2 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted December 23 2017 - 4:58 PM


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Cool! My larger terrariums never get those, because I have a bunch of hitchhiking ground beetles and tiny rove beetles in the soil. I kind of wish I got those, because they're great feeders for Ponerines

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#3 Offline AnthonyP163 - Posted December 23 2017 - 10:24 PM



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Cool! My larger terrariums never get those, because I have a bunch of hitchhiking ground beetles and tiny rove beetles in the soil. I kind of wish I got those, because they're great feeders for Ponerines

Haha, I wouldn't wish for that. When I turn off the lights in my room except for my devices, they decide to fly in my face while I'm in the light. Quite annoying actually. Also, they can carry a disease that can kill small seedlings on their feet. Nevertheless... I want to know about them haha.

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#4 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted December 24 2017 - 8:47 AM


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Cool! My larger terrariums never get those, because I have a bunch of hitchhiking ground beetles and tiny rove beetles in the soil. I kind of wish I got those, because they're great feeders for Ponerines

Haha, I wouldn't wish for that. When I turn off the lights in my room except for my devices, they decide to fly in my face while I'm in the light. Quite annoying actually. Also, they can carry a disease that can kill small seedlings on their feet. Nevertheless... I want to know about them haha.


LOL! When I'm outside for late-night bugging (is that the right term? or is it enting?), I wear this head lamp. I once had three june bugs smack my face, with a giant silk moth narrowly missing it. 
I didn't know that fungus gnats carried disease! Good thing my terrarium doesn't have them, then! :D

Hawaiiant (Ben)

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#5 Offline Voidley - Posted September 26 2023 - 4:25 PM


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I’m not sure if this is a necropost or not, if it is then anyone please correct me. I was just wondering if this experiment ever yielded any interesting results. I’m assuming that they all died seeing as you never updated it, but I’ve been thinking about substituting fruit flies for fungus gnats and wondered if this method showed any promise. I’m interested in feeding them to my ants, either cultured or ones I catch and boil, and also seeing if they can help keep mold under control. Either way I'd live to hear what your experience was. Thanks.

#6 Offline bmb1bee - Posted September 26 2023 - 4:30 PM


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I’m not sure if this is a necropost or not, if it is then anyone please correct me. I was just wondering if this experiment ever yielded any interesting results. I’m assuming that they all died seeing as you never updated it, but I’ve been thinking about substituting fruit flies for fungus gnats and wondered if this method showed any promise. I’m interested in feeding them to my ants, either cultured or ones I catch and boil, and also seeing if they can help keep mold under control. Either way I'd live to hear what your experience was. Thanks.


I had a couple feeding experiments of my own since they were so abundant in winter where I live. Most spiderlings I owned actually rejected them, even when live. I offered these to my ants as well, and the only species I observed that accepted them were Tetramorium immigrans. I don't think they're as nutritious or sanitary as cultured fruit flies (due to their diet of fungus and other detritus), so I wouldn't recommend it. Not sure if they eat mold either.

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#7 Offline ANTdrew - Posted September 26 2023 - 5:30 PM


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It’s a terrible idea, sorry. I see no way to raise these without them totally infesting your house. I despise these things and show them no quarter in my home.
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