Ever since I was 8, I've been going to a sleep-away camp every year in Delton, Michigan called Circle Pines Center. I'm definitely going again this year, but I'm not sure how long. Last time I went there, I was ant-obsessed, but I had just started keeping ants, so I only had queens in test tubes that didn't require any care. There are 3 sessions. Session 1 is two weeks, session 2 is one week, and session 3 is two weeks. The last two years, I stayed for all 3 sessions (5 weeks). I definitely want to stay for at least 2 weeks. I would like to stay for 5 weeks, as it's an amazing camp, but unlike my other pets, ants have more complicated care, and I'm not sure if I trust my mom to care for them for 5 weeks. My other pets don't hibernate, so I can spend time with them over the winter. but ants are only active for a little over half the year, and 5 weeks is half of summer, so that's a significant chunk of my time with them for the year. Another bonus about the camp is that it's full of amazing ant fauna. About half of my current colonies were caught there last year. Queens I found there include: Lasius alienus, several parasitic Lasius, Aphaenogaster sp., Camponotus pennsylvanicus, Tapinoma sessile, Formica subsericea, and an unidentified Formica species. I've found a Lasius flavus brood room full of alate pupae. I found a Tapinoma sessile colony in the garden, but the queen got away. I've even seen a slave-raiding Formica species conduct a raid.
So basically:
- Long Stay Pros: More time at the camp and with friends, more time to find queens and observe local ant fauna, more changeovers (the one day between sessions and basically no rules as long as you are within eyesight of an adult), and more exercise (I'm noticeably overweight). Cons: My colonies would be left at home for 5 weeks to be cared for by someone who has little to no experience with ant keeping other than hearing my ant rants. I would also lose a decent chunk of how much time I get to spend with them each year. Also, I would go 5 weeks without Formiculture.
- Short Stay Pros: Less time for my mom to mess up my colonies. Also, I heard that a colony can survive on water and a sugar substance for 2 weeks, so my mom might not even need to do anything. Cons: No changeovers, less time with friends, less time to collect ants. Also, 2 weeks without Formiculture.
I can't decide whether to go for a long stay or a short one. What do you people think? Thanks!
Edited by Mettcollsuss, December 14 2017 - 6:06 AM.