I haven't been too active designing nests recently. I do have a few ideas such as vertical nests and new connection types however. I'm just not super motivated to design ant stuff while I'm in school and not designing stuff for other people.
My focus has shifted to building/printing my own 3d printer. If I can swing the funds with my girlfriend, I'm going to follow / modify a cubeXY design named hypercube. https://www.thingive...m/thing:1752766or https://www.thingive...m/thing:2254103 not sure which one yet. I've sourced most of the parts from China at around 300 dollars with about 30-50 dollars of overhead. I might post my build in this thread, but might go to off topic because it's not really related to ant keeping.
I can appreciate that, hehe. I go thru periods as well where I don't design/print, then will be busy for a bit. Right now since dspdrew's post, been getting in pieces of tile to experiment with, so in between designs.
This is the printer I built; the D-Bot CoreXY https://www.thingive.../thing:1001065 The stock 200x300mm build volume is pretty stable, but once you move to 300x300mm like I did, the Z-axis takes some TLC to get right, and that's been my biggest frustration with it. Though I think I finally found a reasonable compromise that's working well.
The Hypercubes look interesting, and look similar in design to the first Solidoodle3 printer with a hybrid-CoreXY approach. Also really similar to a design a buddy and I were going to produce, but did have enough time to finish. Here's the SD3:
Couple points on that I found with the SD3. The rods based designs for the x/y tend to have some challenges with rods not being perfectly straight/flexing (which messes up the x, y, or z), perfectly tensioned belts (that messes up circles), and linear bearings that wear out or into the tods. These I found weren't a big deal, and had replaced my rods and belts, and x/y were in a pretty happy place. The Hypercube Evolution looks like an interesting hybrid CoreXY approach to some of these issues where instead of using the linear rails like my D-Bot, uses the rods in addition to the CoreXY belts to solve some of the circle issues caused by belt tensioning imbalance. I am curious to see if it will have the same issues with the rods flexing or not being aligned (may be a non-issue.)
The Z axis design was always a challenge, as they tend to wobble (z-wobble being really annoying) and can't take much weight on my SD3 if adding a MIC6 bed. Looks like like the design on the Hypercube Evolution may using beefier vertical support rods to help with the some of the weight issues. Check to see if an anti-backlash nut may be required to help with the z-wobble (usually a simple mod added later if required.)