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Need Help Finding Termites


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#1 Offline AnthonyP163 - Posted November 27 2017 - 4:36 PM



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I live in Southeastern Wisconsin, close to Milwaukee and I've never seen a termite, despite hours and hours of searching for only them, and lots more hours searching for many other things in the forest and under logs. Does anyone have good tips on finding them? I'll be able to search again in the spring.

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#2 Offline T.C. - Posted November 27 2017 - 4:42 PM


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I recall seeing termites a few years back. But I too haven't seen them in a few years at least.


#3 Offline TennesseeAnts - Posted November 27 2017 - 6:07 PM


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What kind of termites?

#4 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted December 14 2017 - 9:40 AM


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Try searching in a VERY damp and lush environment, with frequent disturbance. Most termite species will enjoy the decaying plant matter. Then try finding a tree (still standing) that is dead and has some fungal growth. If it is small enough, snap a few branches off and look for tubes. If the tree is large, use a small knife to cut away a bit of rotting wood. This worked for me in Hawaii and CT, but I'm not sure about Wisconsin.

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#5 Offline MarilynDunlap - Posted May 3 2018 - 9:16 PM



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What types of termites you are searching for? Subterranean termites, Dampwood termites, Drywood termites or Formosan termites? There are approximately 50 termite species in the United States, but only a few species of subterranean termites and drywood termites are available.

Generally most of the termite species are found in CA or in NY area. Well, a termite control in East Bay or in other area near you (you may go for a professional at Wisconsin) may help you find the termite as they are good at controlling them and I think they might be also knowing how they can be grown.

Edited by MarilynDunlap, May 4 2018 - 4:56 AM.

#6 Offline Major - Posted June 29 2018 - 8:28 AM


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I live in NY and I’ve never ever seen a single termite. I’ve tore open many logs while looking for some Camponotus, I thought that there should be some termites there to but nope. I kinda want a colony, but can’t even find a worker.

#7 Offline YsTheAnt - Posted July 12 2018 - 9:14 AM


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Look for a log with termite frass on them, it looks like fine grains of soil. Then, hack every square inch of it open. You are bound to find something.
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#8 Offline Skwiggledork - Posted July 12 2018 - 10:14 AM


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I am waiting to see if the two I caught have eggs. I haven't seen any, but I left a fairly large chunk of the rotting wood I found them on with them, so they might be hidden. Pretty sure I caught a king and queen since they were tandem running, but part of me thinks they might have both just been running away from the giant that ripped open their hide and they were both fleeing in the same direction. lol.

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