I got two pogonomyrmex rugosus queens with a couple larvae each from forum member Miwu on August 18, 2017. Not sure where he collected them but he mentioned in the desert somewhere.
On 09-04-17, I got my first worker, and my first nanitic to ever eclose for me as the other colonies I've purchased came with nanitics/workers. I have yet to go anting but will do so hopefully in 2018. The other ant didn't have a nanitic but had tons of eggs.

For some reason, one ant did exceptionally well, currently at 7 workers, and the other only at 3 workers. For purposes of simplicity and ease, ill only be posting pictures of the larger colony.
On 11-09-17, I moved them into a new formicarium so that they could grow into it. Their test tube was getting crowded. I made this formicarium with grout and the smaller clear stackable box from the container store. https://www.containe...e&sortOrder=A Ialso made a water tower for them. I used loctite super glue to stick the stainless steel mesh to the water tower. i made some holes, plugged up in the picture, for future expansions. I then added fluon. I let everything dry for 2 days before throwing them in. i think the fluon was not needed, they suck at climbing smooth surfaces. I noticed that even now, a couple weeks after the youngest workers have eclosed, these guys have different shades of red, yellow and orange. Not sure if that's normal but i like it.

Here they are today, on 11-13-17, running from the camera. 3 of the 7 workers with the eggs on the steel mesh of the water tower. they have 5-7 eggs.

Edited by KBant, April 17 2018 - 9:11 PM.