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Nuptial Flight Finder

nuptial flight finder nuptial flights finding nuptial flights nuptial flights nff

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17 replies to this topic

#1 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted October 13 2017 - 12:22 PM


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Some people may know a project other than antkeeping.wiki that I have been working on. It's been in alpha for a bit and have now updated it to beta; It's working as of today. Took 2 days of messing with php to import json dump I have from antweb.org, importing the nuptial flight records (thanks Drew!), and moving javascript to php to get it to this beta state. And let me add I've never really coded in php before a complete page from scratch, so this is a first for me.


I hope everyone can enjoy this and help you be more successful in your anting.

As always, if you have any issues/problems or questions/suggestions, message me here or just reply to topic. I will keep this post up to date with latest updates and will be adding a TODO list to bring it out of beta.





Features/Change log moved to website: https://nff.antkeeping.wiki/about

Edited by StopSpazzing, December 11 2017 - 6:42 PM.

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> Ant Keeping Wiki is back up! Currently being migrated from old wiki. :)Looking to adopt out: Crematogaster sp. (Acrobat Ants) colonies

#2 Offline Lazarus - Posted October 29 2017 - 1:15 PM


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Great idea.


I gave it a try (Ontario Canada).


What do the numbers besides the species represent? Sightings?

Edited by Lazarus, October 29 2017 - 1:15 PM.

My online ant spreadsheet

#3 Offline FeedTheAnts - Posted October 29 2017 - 2:06 PM


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Whoa! Congrats man! It looks great.

I accidentally froze all my ants 

#4 Offline nurbs - Posted October 29 2017 - 2:09 PM


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Nice page. This will take time, but it would be nice for data to get more granular as users input more sightings. 


For example, we see that S. xyloni flies in October in CA. This is still very broad. CA is huge. It would be nice to get pinpoint data on a specific locale where S. xyloni flies in October for that sighting.




Dunno how often Drew edits this (I used to contribute), but something like this is extremely useful:


Edited by nurbs, October 29 2017 - 2:12 PM.

California Ants for Sale


Unidentified Myrmecocystus



Undescribed "Modoc"



Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:


Camponotus us-ca02


Unidentified Formica


Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup

#5 Offline Mettcollsuss - Posted October 29 2017 - 2:38 PM


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Um, on the website it says that Linepithema humile are flying in Illinois around

now. Is this a glitch, or have they really spread this far?

Edited by Mettcollsuss, October 29 2017 - 4:36 PM.

#6 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted October 29 2017 - 5:39 PM


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Great idea.


I gave it a try (Ontario Canada).


What do the numbers besides the species represent? Sightings?

Yes, it uses data from Drew's nuptial flight spreadsheets


Whoa! Congrats man! It looks great.

Thanks! Far from done, still think it looks bland to me.


Nice page. This will take time, but it would be nice for data to get more granular as users input more sightings. 


For example, we see that S. xyloni flies in October in CA. This is still very broad. CA is huge. It would be nice to get pinpoint data on a specific locale where S. xyloni flies in October for that sighting.




Dunno how often Drew edits this (I used to contribute), but something like this is extremely useful:


I have that link bookmarked on my resources page on the wiki. I actually used it today to verify Dorymyrmex insanus nearby, million more species I need to add to that post for just that trailI understand what you are saying and ultimately, I would love to do this. I had already planned to do this with the Extra: Ability for people to submit a flight record. (approval required, mods will probably use wiki login info + special permissions and page will be accessible within wiki). Ability for people to tag a location or even simple upload a picture with meta data attached and geotagged. If that entry was approved, I would pull that data from the image and add it to a map corresponding date with the species flying and locations. It would get crazy specific. Example, would have geotag data, the date of image would have records pulled from weather records and time of day would all be mapped. Lets just say you would be able to pinpoint the location, hour, and weather conditions which led to the flight which was recorded. Insanely accurate. 


There is an issue that Reacker brought up tho and he makes a good point tho... The reason anting is so great right now is because hasn't become mainstream and still requires lots of reading and luck to find them flying to catch your own. By making it so any person can use my tool and find whatever he/she wants with little work, may cause the field to explode with too many amateurs and could cause over hunting of local populations.


Um, on the website it says that Linepithema humile are flying in Illinois around

now. Is this a glitch, or have they really spread this far?



Data I get for location is based on data from antweb.org

> Ant Keeping Wiki is back up! Currently being migrated from old wiki. :)Looking to adopt out: Crematogaster sp. (Acrobat Ants) colonies

#7 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted November 12 2017 - 8:03 PM


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Updated website, now has weather and code prepped for adding flight records and searching for species. https://nuptialfligh...ntkeeping.wiki/

> Ant Keeping Wiki is back up! Currently being migrated from old wiki. :)Looking to adopt out: Crematogaster sp. (Acrobat Ants) colonies

#8 Offline Bugdaddy - Posted November 14 2017 - 2:27 PM



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Updated website, now has weather and code prepped for adding flight records and searching for species. https://nuptialfligh...ntkeeping.wiki/

It's telling me your website can't be reached!

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"And it was to my infinite despair and pain... That it was not the hornets that made honey."

#9 Offline Hunter - Posted November 14 2017 - 2:34 PM


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works for me

#10 Offline Spamdy - Posted November 14 2017 - 2:35 PM


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Updated website, now has weather and code prepped for adding flight records and searching for species. https://nuptialfligh...ntkeeping.wiki/

It's telling me your website can't be reached!


Same for me.

All my colonies are dead. 




  Pogonomyrmex barbatus

  Pheidole obscurithorax

  Pheidole morens

#11 Offline Ant Broski - Posted November 14 2017 - 4:15 PM

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That is amazing. Thank you so much!

#12 Offline ultraex2 - Posted November 15 2017 - 8:22 AM


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Awesome work!  I definitely plan on using this next season.  

#13 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted November 15 2017 - 11:55 AM


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Sorry about that, shouldn't happen again. Was moving from Apache2 to nginx+php-fpm for the webserver and had to take it down during that time. Now it's 100% working the way I want it to. The site is now up. Latest version is v0.59 Hope you like the new layout. :)

Edited by StopSpazzing, November 15 2017 - 11:58 AM.

> Ant Keeping Wiki is back up! Currently being migrated from old wiki. :)Looking to adopt out: Crematogaster sp. (Acrobat Ants) colonies

#14 Offline T.C. - Posted November 15 2017 - 12:09 PM


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Yeah, definetly looking good. Kinda thinking once it's finished we should have it embed into formiculture somehow. that's up to the big cheese though.


Good work eitherway.


#15 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted November 16 2017 - 4:01 PM


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Yeah, definetly looking good. Kinda thinking once it's finished we should have it embed into formiculture somehow. that's up to the big cheese though.


Good work eitherway.

Hmm, gives me ideas. I could get a dedicated domain and allow anyone to embed it.

> Ant Keeping Wiki is back up! Currently being migrated from old wiki. :)Looking to adopt out: Crematogaster sp. (Acrobat Ants) colonies

#16 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted November 26 2017 - 10:51 PM


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Starting to work with a framework, "hopefully" will make my life easier going forward.  Shrunk db size a massive amount by removing duplicates and now using cleaner code for faster queries. Map is disabled since it's unused as of now and wasteful really.


Find A Species is now working; looks ugly and can be way too long. I will probably reorganize results for searching by species to Country->all state/provinces for better view-ability. This is it guys... after this comes the fun stuff, adding ability to add records and mapping it. :D

Edited by StopSpazzing, November 27 2017 - 12:04 AM.

> Ant Keeping Wiki is back up! Currently being migrated from old wiki. :)Looking to adopt out: Crematogaster sp. (Acrobat Ants) colonies

#17 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted January 5 2018 - 10:40 PM


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Adding Records works, voting is on the way. If you catch anything would be grateful if you could add a record and help others out!



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> Ant Keeping Wiki is back up! Currently being migrated from old wiki. :)Looking to adopt out: Crematogaster sp. (Acrobat Ants) colonies

#18 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted January 14 2018 - 2:04 PM


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So at a fork in the road guys. Have some options. I can either:


1. Stick to what I am doing, continue the mapping and record keeping project.


2. Keep project going except make a few changes; use iNaturalist.org's API, make maps from their data, I would be either using antkeeping group or create a separate group just for flights.


3. Enhance my project and include data from iNaturalist.org but allow adding records from my site, kinda a hybrid project.


The reason for this is that iNaturalist.org app and platform as a whole is very mature and does exactly what I am looking to do (for the mapping and record keeping part only). The whole goal of my site is to help people find flights using data, so I personally think #2 would be the best bet since I can offload the map creation and record keeping to a more mature platform, yet still provide everyone with records and best flight times based on that data. With #2 can just pull data from ant group of all observations with tags like "nuptial flight". Would be easier for everyone, plus they have an app already for mobile phones AND their data is open-source meaning using it + images for the results you search for won't violate any laws. I not NOT giving up on this project, just looking for ways to make things easier for everyone.

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> Ant Keeping Wiki is back up! Currently being migrated from old wiki. :)Looking to adopt out: Crematogaster sp. (Acrobat Ants) colonies

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nuptial flight finder, nuptial flights, finding nuptial flights, nuptial, flights, nff

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