Hello all! (Photos at bottom)
I have recently just moved my colony of ~1000 Solenopsis xyloni individuals into a small 10 gal terrarium.
In the terrarium is a mixture of topsoil, coconut husk, sand, and a small bit of worm castings o support the plants I placed inside. I have an aloe plant, another succulent of some kind, and a cutting of a dragonfruit right now. I imagine the dragonfruit will grow far to fast and need to be removed, but it looked nice for now. The ants have taken well to the new space, they brought their queen underground very quickly and moved their brood in, have several nest entrances, and have explored every inch of the space.
I am wondering what could be some better plants to add to this terrarium instead of the ones I have. Also, if possible, I would like to add some sort of springtails or other organism that will help consume and process the ant waste. How can I get springtails (or another species) and introduce it without being consumed by the ants?
I have attached a bunch of photos for you viewing pleasure. Any suggestions are welcome, even if only to make it look better.