This vivarium completely fell off, and I ended up having to kill the Tetramorium and I was only able to save isopods and springtails.
Thankfully I've started two new ones.
The first is in the same tank as last time, and I'm using it as a mostly cryptic vivarium.
In it, I have Camponotus pennsylvanicus, Temnothorax curvispinosis, Stenamma brevicorne, and Ponera pennsylvanica. These are all together because they nest seperately, aren't aggressive toward one another, and mostly occupy different niches. I have a leaf/moss area for the Stenamma.
Along with lots of ant diversity, there's a good amount of Lepidocyrtus and Pseudosinella springtails in this setup, with a few isopods and worms in the mix.
Here are some pictures of the cryptic vivarium

I recently just made a second vivarium that's even bigger than the last one. It's 20x10 inches, so it should be enough for some aphids with a Lasius colony. It has millipedes, isopods, Pseudosinella, a spider, and a few orange mites. I'm growing bean plants and the unidentified plant that the pea aphids live on.
Here is a bad picture of one of the plants sprouting.

I'll update when there's more growth and such.