Yesterday I was attempting to adjust/clean/feed one of my Camponotus queens... One thing led to another and I accidentally partially flooded the tube... So I needed to switch her out from the one that was now too moist, to one that was drier and cleaner (unfortunately lost the newly laid brood too, but that's another story)... So, I tape one tube to another, and leave her alone to move from one end to the other... I cut the lights out, and go to bed...
This morning, I wake up and go to fix my morning coffee and audibly gasped when I saw two tubes laying on my counter, several inches apart... Apparently, because I'd taped two tubes together (which made one stick out of the container they're hosed in), the cats were able to explore the setup and had broken my tape seal.... I was so disgusted at the events of the last 12 hours (flooding her brood, and now this) that I almost didn't even look at the tubes...
But I did.... And there she was! Tucked away, safe and sound (albeit traumatized I'm sure)! No telling how long she'd been sitting there able to walk out anytime she wanted...
So, I sealed her up, and tucked her safely away, and immediately came over to the forum to tell Drew I wanted to buy 2 of his founding formicariums LOL
I'm bummed that I destroyed the brood, but thankful she didn't leave the exposed tube... lesson learned!