Hello Ant Wizards,
Yesterday I noticed winged ants distanced from any local nests and got excited that a nuptial flight may had taken place. I scooped up many of what I hoped to be queens. Could some trained eyes assist me with identification?
Thank you for your time,
1. Location (on a map) of collection: Peachtree City, Georgia Zip: 30269
2. Date of collection: 10/11/17
3. Habitat of collection: Southside Atlanta suburbs are carved out of forest and swamp like biome.
4. Length (from head to gaster): Sorry, i'm useless here. It wasn't an instict of mine to grab a measurement when taking the photos.
5. Color, hue, pattern and texture: I would consider them dark brown and I see a series of lighter stripes on the gaster.
6. Distinguishing characteristics: My untrained eye notices a long waist indicative of crematogaster. The stripes make me think of Lasius Claviger
7. Distinguishing behavior: I was skeptical that they were queens until I noticed that they were wandering around without communicating with other local ants. I later noticed some of these beginning to dig out their founding chambers without assistance from any other ants.
8. Nest description: The ant nests around these ants were often singular holes that were being dug with dirt piling symmetrically around the entrance, this hold true for the nests with workers.
9. Nuptial flight time and date: I think the flight took place during the morning of 10/10/2017 after the rains of the hurricane passing on 10/8 and 10/9/17. I saw what would have been hundreds of these but captured a little under 10.
[Images of ant]
[Images of nest]
[Images of habitat]