I caught this potential dealate wandering (slowly) on my hardwood living room floor. (My cat wanted to play with it!) I live in a subdivision with grass yards and not much else, though lakes and wooded areas are found within a mile. The subdivision is overrun with one [unknown] species of Pheidole, and not many other species of ants that I have seen. This individual is 9.5 mm long.
I put her in a test tube setup with a drop of honey. She immediately went to the cotton ball at the bottom and began drinking for a long time. I believe I have caught this species before, but did not have any luck getting eggs out of her. The one I caught before was identified as a Pseudomyrmex gracilis dealate. I am posting this because I want to confirm the species, confirm that it is indeed a dealate, and get any advice you may have on raising this semi-claustral species. Part of the reason I would like some confirmation is because it is awfully late to be finding one of these dealates, and since the last one I caught never produced eggs, there is always the chance that it was not even a dealate. Thanks in advance for your help!