Hello everyone,
I just have a question about protein, as in how far into nanitics should you offer your colony protein??
I have a lasius with 6 nanitics, I fed them honey and they gladly ate it, however when I provide wet fish food or mealworm chopped in half they don't really care for it. She had her first Nanitic like 2 weeks ago and now have 6 nanitic and a bunch of brood. Is it because there is yet to be larvae that they are not interested in the protein source??? Not sure when I should offer it and I won't want to protein deprive them by giving protein too late. But giving protein now seems wasteful since they just ignore it and I end up having to remove it from the feeding area cause it would rot etc if left alone.
This is a question for my growing lasius as well as a few queens in founding stage for future reference
Thank you so much everyone