So after looking at AntWeb, I'm pretty sure now that these are one of the unnamed species they have listed for California.
https://www.antweb.o...e=United States
I know color doesn't always mean much, but the color and the pattern is identical, along with everything else. The AntWeb specimen was found around 5000 ft, which is at the top of the range of elevation I have seen the ones I have posted here.
It also makes sense that these would be documented somewhere, as they are not uncommon around here. Before I noticed these on AntWeb, I really couldn't figure out how the ones I have posted could possibly not be mentioned anywhere.
We finally agree! These couldn't be C. ocreatus, though "ca02" doesn't sound all too interesting either. How about Camponotus californicus? 
Going through antweb species by species was also how I ID'ed C. maritimus, and this one matches up perfectly with what we have seen.
EDIT: The only difference I see with the specimens I have and also your images are the legs. The ones we have darken towards the tip, whereas the specimen on Antweb does not. But again, as we all know, coloring is not the best way to ID, but this is without a doubt the closest we have.
Edited by nurbs, August 5 2018 - 3:18 PM.