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Can nuptial flight skip a year due to lack of rain?

nuptal flight drought forrest fire

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#1 Offline skocko76 - Posted September 1 2017 - 2:30 AM


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Hi all.

I live on East Mediterranean coast and we've been having a very dry period.

We haven't had a proper rain in 3-4 months. Sun has scorched all vegetation and dirt, forest fires are a daily thing.

I was on the lookout for alates, and there were none. I understand conditions can be unfavorable in a small region, but this is the state of things for the entire coast of Croatia, Montenegro, and probably Albania and Greece. I hear there were lots of forest fires in Italy and Portugal, so I'm imagining they have had the same.

Anyway, to keep it short, is it possible for a species to skip a year and not send out alates? Or will they do it anyway, first chance they get even if the conditions are not perfect?


On the off note, we should be having a rainy weekend, I'm very excited! Anting all around!

#2 Offline Jonathan21700 - Posted September 4 2017 - 1:45 PM


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Messor should be starting at some time this month also a few others.

#3 Offline skocko76 - Posted September 4 2017 - 11:52 PM


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Messor should be starting at some time this month also a few others.


Yes, I'm looking forward to them! Crematogaster scutellaris too! If I'm not mistaken, this is their time as well.

We had 7-8mm of rain  per square meter two days ago, no flights though... The temperature dropped 10 degrees centigrade, so it may be the cold spell put them off.


Anyway, to the question, is it possible for ants to skip a year and not fly at all?

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