As some of you know, I made special feet for my ant cabinets a while back to protect them from Argentine ants.
I recently had them invade and trail right under the cabinets to a bowl with some trash left on the ground. I moved that bowl outside and sucked them all up with my vacuum. But now, ever since, they have been coming in and wandering all over underneath the cabinets every day. I cleaned everything up and vacuumed the floor as well as I could, but they keep coming back. I even got home from work today and found a small trail of them going to absolutely nothing.
Usually when they invade, I spray the area with Raid where they are coming in and I don't see them anywhere near there anymore for a very long time. I can't do that this time because I would have to move the cabinets away from the wall to get to the location. I'm also worried about the fumes from the Raid hurting my ants.
I have a few questions for the experts.
How much raid is really in the air after I spray it, and is it enough to hurt my ants? It smells very strong, but I don't know how much poison is actually in the air, as opposed to the scent that they add to it.
I know ants can smell really good, but I have always been under the impression that they wander around until they come across food of some sort. Can they smell food from a distance and if so, approximately how far? if they can smell the food from a distance, then wouldn't they invade every bit of food you have laying around immediately? Could it be possible they are smelling what I have in these cabinets, but just can't get to it, so they keep wandering all around underneath them?
So far it looks like the cabinets are doing their job and keeping the ants out, but I'm always worried that they still might find a way in. The probability is much higher with them wandering all over the place directly under them, which is why I want them to go away.