Fantastic day for collection in this area today. Specimens found in AM and evening. Found 5 different species. Need help with 3 as follows.
Applies to all 3:
1 & 3. On side walk or adjacent to sidewalk on dirt. In a schoolyard with grassy areas and nearby wooded areas. lots of pavement also. Bergen County NJ (northern NJ)
2. 8/19/2017
Queen #1
4. 8.5mm
5. shiny black
6-9: Found on size walk approx 7 pm. Found only this one.

Queen #2
4. 6.5 mm
5. Black or really dark brown.
6-9. Found only this one. "stripe-like" appearance on gaster. time of collection about 6:45pm

Queen type 3
4. 8.5 mm
5. Brown
6-9. Found large numbers of these (10), that I didn't collect them all. Found 2 in mid morning 10:00 am and many more in evening 6:30-7:30 pm. Several found digging out chambers, others were searching for a place to dig. If they had found a good place I left them alone. Appears to me to look like some sort of Lasius.

Edited by ColKurtz, August 22 2017 - 4:28 AM.