Greetings to the rest of the world from the midlands in the UK. At the moment i ama nanitic version of an ant keeper.
I've been a life long fan of anything that creeps or crawls, but only recently have i obtained a queen and a few subjects Pheidole pallidula, who, spend most of their day trying to fill the queens test tube with sand.
This week has seen quite a few nuptial flights, definitely not as many as previous years by a long way, I wonder if its been paused due to some inclement weather...
I did manage to score a couple of queens though, well it was three but one went toes up by the next day. One is definitely a Lasius Flavus, its a deep brown colour with a slightly lighter gaster. These must be the predominant species in the area because I only saw one Lasius Niger to probably 200 Flavus. unless my identification is incorrect.
I shows my commitment to the cause, the I caught the lasius niger in the middle of our towns main shopping street surrounded by scores of people and, oh no, it was not going to come quietly, feisty was not the word, it was running all over the place, dodging all my attempts to 'encourage' her into my test tube, at one point the damn thing ran up my arm and I still missed it. Eventually I caught the damn thing and beat a hasty retreat no making eye contact with any of the people who had been watching the show or ' the madman talking to the floor'.