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Coops Solenopsis geminata colony

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3 replies to this topic

#1 Offline Coops - Posted December 3 2017 - 11:07 AM



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So here's my Solenopsis geminata colony, I've raised this colony from queen and they now have an estimated population of about 1000-1200. They are fast growers, with the queen pushing out what seems like 30-50 eggs a day, with an average loss of around 5-10 ants a day judging from their ant graveyard they have created in the corner of they're arena! I keep they're nest temp at a gradient of 25-30c using a heat mat and an exo ministats, this seems to be they're favourite. I have a spot light on the arena during the day and have to refill they're water tube every two days because they never stop drinking aha.








Edited by Coops, December 4 2017 - 12:12 PM.

#2 Offline Coops - Posted December 3 2017 - 11:09 AM



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Can anyone tell me how i upload pictures? I'm probably being stupid but i can't seem the find a way, hmm.

#3 Offline T.C. - Posted December 3 2017 - 11:14 AM


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I personally use imgur. However using the gallery here works well also.


#4 Offline Coops - Posted December 4 2017 - 12:13 PM



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I personally use imgur. However using the gallery here works well also.


Think I've finally worked it out! thanks for the help :)

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