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Messor barbarus ( Krogzax ants )

messor barbarus messor

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#1 Offline Krogzaxants - Posted August 11 2017 - 11:59 AM



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Hi antkeepers!      UPDATE #1 

Here is my first blog on my Messor barbarus colony. 
My messor barbarus colony has 25-30 workers at the moment. 
They moved in their new nest yesterday. And they seem to like it. 
They placed all the seeds in the nest and they moved the brood to 1 room close to the moist area spot in the middle. 
Really love how they collect all the seeds and store them in the dry rooms. 
The queen herself has a very dark red head. 

Here are 2 video's of the colony handling seeds. 

Update 14-8-2017------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hi all!                     UPDATE #2

A small update..

The brood is developing nicely. Soon we will have more Messor barbarus workers.
She also laid some more eggs which I'm happy with. 
Hoping they are feeding the larvae alot of protein so we get more bigger workers. 
It was fun too see them feeding the larvae antbread. I try my best to capture the antbread feeding for you guys.

Krogzax ants..

Update 10-9-2017------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hi all!                     UPDATE #3

The colony is doing very well. They have 10-15 more workers right now.. I think they reached about 45-50 workers now.
They also have 2 big pupae, so we have 2 more majors soon.
They are making antbread like grazy. And they are really hungry for insects. Feeding them fruit flies like grazy. 
And they eat them all! Here is a video of them collecting and eating a fruit fly.

I also placed a heating mat 3 days ago to speed up the brood progress. 

Krogzax ants..


Edited by Krogzaxants, September 10 2017 - 12:24 AM.

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Krogzax ants 
Youtube channel 

Ant colonies 
Messor barbarus 25-30 workers http://www.formicult...s-krogzax-ants/
Camponotus cruentatus queen + brood 
Camponotus barbaricus queen + brood http://www.formicult...s-krogzax-ants/


#2 Offline VoidElecent - Posted August 11 2017 - 12:20 PM


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Very cute! Love it :)

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#3 Offline Krogzaxants - Posted August 14 2017 - 12:36 AM



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Hi all!

A small update..

The brood is developing nicely. Soon we will have more Messor barbarus workers.
She also laid some more eggs which I'm happy with. 
Hoping they are feeding the larvae alot of protein so we get more bigger workers. 
It was fun too see them feeding the larvae antbread. I try my best to capture the antbread feeding for you guys.


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Krogzax ants 
Youtube channel 

Ant colonies 
Messor barbarus 25-30 workers http://www.formicult...s-krogzax-ants/
Camponotus cruentatus queen + brood 
Camponotus barbaricus queen + brood http://www.formicult...s-krogzax-ants/


#4 Offline Jonathan21700 - Posted August 14 2017 - 12:23 PM


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I suggest feeding them insects too.

Edited by Jonathan21700, August 14 2017 - 12:24 PM.

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#5 Offline Krogzaxants - Posted September 10 2017 - 12:37 AM



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Jonathan21700 I started to feeding them fruit flies for some day now. They love it! You are right :) 

Krogzax ants 
Youtube channel 

Ant colonies 
Messor barbarus 25-30 workers http://www.formicult...s-krogzax-ants/
Camponotus cruentatus queen + brood 
Camponotus barbaricus queen + brood http://www.formicult...s-krogzax-ants/


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