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ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption (Southern California, San Bernardino)

myrmecocystus mexicanus mimicus pheidole xerophila forelius pogonomyrmex rugosus

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#21 Offline Scrixx - Posted November 12 2017 - 11:41 PM


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The guy that wanted the last colony of Dorymyrmex insanus backed out, one left at $20. I held the colony for 2 weeks but they still haven't picked it up. She's got some decent sized larvae that are almost ready to pupate.

Edited by Scrixx, November 13 2017 - 6:51 AM.

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#22 Offline AntsSanJoseCa - Posted November 24 2017 - 12:48 AM



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Scrixx do you have any honey pots Available?

#23 Offline Scrixx - Posted November 24 2017 - 1:18 PM


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Scrixx do you have any honey pots Available?


Sorry I'm out of Honeypots. I have a couple I'm keeping for myself. If I change my mind I'd sell them but right now I'll be holding on to them.

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#24 Offline Scrixx - Posted February 10 2018 - 4:38 PM


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Myrmecocystus mexicanus - Only one available - $125

Decided to only keep one of each Myrmecocystus colony so I'm selling this colony. Here's a very healthy M. mexicanus colony with a decent brood pile, some larvae are almost big enough to pupate. There's at least one cocoon that I can see and there are about 10 workers. They're in a natural dirt formicarium with an inner tube so they dig near the outer glass. The top of the inner tube comes off and you can water it. Only put a tablespoon at a time and see how humid the soil gets. I've gone two months without adding water but obviously you'll have to keep checking to make sure they're okay. Colony is 6 months old and doing well. They can probably stay in this formicarium for another year or even two. They only have two chambers and there's a whole lot of space left.








Edited by Scrixx, February 16 2018 - 7:35 PM.

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ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#25 Offline Scrixx - Posted February 10 2018 - 4:50 PM


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Myrmecocystus mimicus - Only one available - $125

Decided to only keep one of each Myrmecocystus colony so I'm selling this colony. Here's my Myrmecocystus mimicus colony with a decent brood pile, bigger pile than the M. mexicanus but the larvae are smaller. I'm estimating about 15-20 eggs/larvae on there. There are about 8 workers. They're in a natural dirt formicarium with an inner tube so they dig near the outer glass. The top of the inner tube comes off and you can water it. Be careful with this one when adding water, add no more than a teaspoon at a time and check back an hour later before you add more. I've gone two months without adding water but obviously you'll have to keep checking to make sure they're okay. Colony is 6 months old and doing well. They can probably stay in this formicarium for another year or even two. They only have two chambers and there's a whole lot of space left.



Check out her really distended gaster! She's in full egg production mode.

Edited by Scrixx, February 25 2018 - 10:37 PM.

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#26 Offline Scrixx - Posted February 16 2018 - 7:40 PM


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Myrmecocystus mexicanus sold. Get the Myrmecocystus mimicus while you can!

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#27 Offline Scrixx - Posted February 25 2018 - 10:38 PM


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Sold both honeypot queens. Better luck next time!

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#28 Offline Combat842590 - Posted May 7 2018 - 6:35 PM



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Hello do you still have Pheidole xerophila

#29 Offline Scrixx - Posted May 31 2018 - 7:43 PM


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Camponotus sansabeanus

Price: 50$

Size: Large, 16~mm

1 Queen, 1-10 workers in 16mm x 125mm glass test tube



Edited by Scrixx, June 1 2018 - 1:35 PM.

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#30 Offline Scrixx - Posted June 1 2018 - 2:17 PM


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No longer available


Formica francoeuri

Size: Large

Available: 7

3x 1 Queen in 16mm x 125mm glass test tube - 20$



Newly caught queens! They're almost as big as Camponotus queens and they have a high success rate. Most queens have already laid eggs!

There are no guarantees since they have no workers yet. That's why I'm selling them cheap and in a bundle. There should be no problems if you get three!


Edited by Scrixx, June 16 2018 - 12:33 PM.

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#31 Offline Scrixx - Posted June 13 2018 - 1:26 PM


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Notice: I'll be in San Diego on 06/24/18! If anyone in San Diego would like to order an ant, I'll bring it and we can meet in San Diego! 

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#32 Offline Scrixx - Posted July 9 2018 - 7:52 PM


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Tapinoma sessile now have workers and Formica francoeuri are on sale with 33% off or get 50% off if you buy two!


Formica francoeuri - ON SALE!

Price:  $30  $20 or 2 for $30

Size: Medium

Available: 11

1 Queen, 1-5 workers in 16mm x 125mm glass test tube


Tapinoma sessile

Price: $20

Size: Small

Available: 8

1 Queen, 1-10 workers in 16mm x 125mm glass test tube

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#33 Offline Scrixx - Posted July 24 2018 - 12:31 PM


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Special offer!

I caught queens on 07/24/18 and am letting them go in bundles, queens only as they're newly caught! Buy 15 queens and get a free Formica francoeuri colony of 1 queen with 1+ workers! 


Disclaimer: Since these are newly caught queens I cannot guarantee their fertility. I am giving them in bundles to alleviate the risk of infertility. The majority of these queens will be fertile but the bundle is there just in case of extremely bad luck.


Solenopsis xyloni - 2 Queens for $15, 5 Queens for $30, 10 Queens for $50


Solenopsis molesta - 5 Queens for $30, 10 Queens for $50



Temnothorax sp. - 5 Queens for $30, 10 Queens for 50$


Edited by Scrixx, August 21 2018 - 10:42 AM.

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#34 Offline Tommy.y - Posted July 25 2018 - 8:03 PM



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Hey I'm interested can we chat


#35 Offline dermy - Posted August 6 2018 - 11:23 AM


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Hey I'm interested can we chat

Hi welcome to the forum.


Please make sure to read the forum rules and such which can be found here:


Edited by dermy, August 6 2018 - 12:05 PM.

#36 Offline TofuAnts - Posted August 6 2018 - 5:02 PM



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Hello I’m also interested and would like to message you

#37 Offline Scrixx - Posted August 13 2018 - 9:20 AM


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Posting to say I talked to the previous posts through messages. 

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#38 Offline Scrixx - Posted August 21 2018 - 11:09 AM


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Solenopsis xyloni 

Price: $20

Size: Small

Available: 10

1 Queen, 1-10 workers in 16mm x 125mm glass test tube


Edited by Scrixx, September 20 2018 - 8:51 PM.

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#39 Offline TheAntGuy - Posted September 20 2018 - 8:16 PM


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Can you DM me exactly what you still have left, this thread is somewhat confusing, thanks in advance.
Check out my journals, instagram, and youtube channel.

Insta: @theantguy17

Youtube: The Ant Guy

#40 Offline Scrixx - Posted September 20 2018 - 8:51 PM


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Can you DM me exactly what you still have left, this thread is somewhat confusing, thanks in advance.


Can you please tell me what is confusing so I can fix it? 


Here's a list of all available species at the moment for everyone


Camponotus sansabeanus
Price: $50
Size: Large, 16~mm
Available: 2
1 Queen, 3-10 workers in 16mm x 125mm glass test tube
Formica francoeuri
Price:  $20 
Size: Medium
Available: 5
1 Queen, 5-15 workers in 16mm x 125mm glass test tube
Solenopsis xyloni 
Price: $20
Size: Small
Available: 10
1 Queen, 1-10 workers in 16mm x 125mm glass test tube
Tapinoma sessile
Price: $20
Size: Small
Available: 2
1 Queen, 1-10 workers in 16mm x 125mm glass test tube

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: myrmecocystus mexicanus, mimicus, pheidole xerophila, forelius, pogonomyrmex rugosus

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