I found these queen ants of various species pretty much in the same patch of grass about 10 sqft at the base of a tree near the end of my driveway close to the street.
1. Location of Collection: Surrey, British Columbia
2. Date of Collection: 2017-08-01
3. Habitat of Collection: Digging around in the short grass about half foot from street side, 2 feet from the base of the tree.
4. Length: 5.5mm
5. Coloration: mostly brown/reddish color, legs are light brown.
6. Distinguishing characteristics: 12 antennae segments, petiole and post-petiole nodes present, two points at the end of the thorax, lots of fine hairs
7. Distinguishing behavior: moves quickly when panic, moves slowly when looking for nesting ground, very elusive moving under the grass, climbs fairly well even with insecti-slip applied to sides (but moves slowly up establishing grip).
SPECIES 2 QUEEN ANT #54 (Probably same as #53)
1. Location of Collection: Surrey, British Columbia
2. Date of Collection: 2017-08-01
3. Habitat of Collection: Digging around in the short grass about couple inches from driveway, 3 feet from the base of the tree.
4. Length: 5.5mm
5. Coloration: mostly brown/reddish color, legs are light brown.
6. Distinguishing characteristics: 12 antennae segments, petiole and post-petiole nodes present, two points at the end of the thorax, lots of fine hairs, hasn't shed wings
7. Distinguishing behavior: moves quickly when panic, moves slowly when looking for nesting ground, climbs fairly well.
1. Location of Collection: Surrey, British Columbia
2. Date of Collection: 2017-08-01
3. Habitat of Collection: Wandering around in the short grass about 2 feet from driveway, 1 ft from the base of the tree.
4. Length: 9mm
5. Coloration: mostly black and some brown coloration at joints and legs.
6. Distinguishing characteristics: 12 antennae segments, smooth, narrow thorax
7. Distinguishing behavior: frightens easily, moves quickly, falls easily with insectislip barrier.
1. Location of Collection: Surrey, British Columbia
2. Date of Collection: 2017-08-01
3. Habitat of Collection: Wandering around in the short grass about 2 feet from driveway, 1 ft from the base of the tree.
4. Length: 10mm
5. Coloration: mostly black and some brown coloration at joints and legs.
6. Distinguishing characteristics: 12 antennae segments, smooth, wide thorax, fine hairs around gaster
7. Distinguishing behavior: stands idle a lot and doesn't panic when disturbed, falls easily with insectislip barrier.