Hi all.
It is common knowledge that Messor barbarus seem to be especially susceptible to vibration stress.
But, I am confused. Observing their colonies in urban environment, they seem to be thriving the most in areas with a lot of traffic.
The main variable seems to be abundance of food. Near my workplace, there is a bus stop with busses waiting in neutral, people waiting for a bus, a crossroad with a lot of traffic and a parking lot. Right in between that is a narrow (3ft wide) strip of platanus trees, between the road and pavement. They produce seeds that the ants seem to eat with gusto. Right underneath the trees, there are huge colonies.
I observed similar thing near the recreational zone in my town; Near parking lots and restaurants, there are huge colonies of Messor barbarus. As you walk further into the park, they get fewer and get pushed out by Crematogaster scutellaris , seems like.
Anyone has similar experience?
As a species that likes peace and quiet, they seem awfully dependent on proximity of humans.