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Antking117's Tetramorium immigrans Journal [UPDATED 03/30/19]

tetramorium journal antking 117 tetramorium sp e sp pavement ant

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#21 Offline Cheyenne117 - Posted October 13 2017 - 12:23 AM



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Wait... a girlfriend that likes your ants? :o Didn't know there was such a thing.
Listen, when she becomes single again, can you give her my number please? :blush:

Also, "...when she becomes single again,"? Are you implying she will either leave me or me leave her? xD

Well, I might just take her.


Actuaalllyyyy, I think I'm stuck with himxD

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#22 Offline T.C. - Posted October 13 2017 - 6:28 AM


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Haha, didn't know she had a account here. :lol:

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#23 Offline KBant - Posted October 31 2017 - 1:27 AM


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my ex made fun of me for keeping ants.. which is why she's my ex. plus she was crazy on top of that lol

#24 Offline ctantkeeper - Posted October 31 2017 - 3:10 AM


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Wait... a girlfriend that likes your ants? :o Didn't know there was such a thing.


Listen, when she becomes single again, can you give her my number please? :blush:

Same! Finding one is like finding a unicorn. I've tried to meet someone like that, but I've had no luck. The same could be said about my entire experience with dating, It's never worked out well :(

#25 Offline T.C. - Posted October 31 2017 - 8:11 AM


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my ex made fun of me for keeping ants.. which is why she's my ex. plus she was crazy on top of that lol

You dumped here, or she dumped you over ants? lol




Wait... a girlfriend that likes your ants? :o Didn't know there was such a thing.


Listen, when she becomes single again, can you give her my number please? :blush:

Same! Finding one is like finding a unicorn. I've tried to meet someone like that, but I've had no luck. The same could be said about my entire experience with dating, It's never worked out well :(


If your just dating them, don't even tell them. If she happens to see them, you just gotta be like... "oh, yeah... forgot to tell my buddy he needs to come get his bugs." :lol: Or maybe, just be like.. "woman! Them is my bugs!"


Sorry, I am not a counselor.

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#26 Offline Chicken_eater100 - Posted October 31 2017 - 8:19 AM


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my ex made fun of me for keeping ants.. which is why she's my ex. plus she was crazy on top of that lol

You dumped here, or she dumped you over ants? lol




Wait... a girlfriend that likes your ants? :o Didn't know there was such a thing.


Listen, when she becomes single again, can you give her my number please? :blush:

Same! Finding one is like finding a unicorn. I've tried to meet someone like that, but I've had no luck. The same could be said about my entire experience with dating, It's never worked out well :(


If your just dating them, don't even tell them. If she happens to see them, you just gotta be like... "oh, yeah... forgot to tell my buddy he needs to come get his bugs." :lol: Or maybe, just be like.. "woman! Them is my bugs!"


Sorry, I am not a counselor.


i can tell.

#27 Offline Antking117 - Posted August 28 2018 - 4:26 AM


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[UPDATE] 08/28/18


Two colonies have survived, I understand it has been quite a while since last update, but some good and bad news. The good news is I have 2 larger tetramorium colonies that are flourishing. The bad news would be, the other colonies have died. Anyways, here is some info and pictures on the two surviving queens. I do not recall which one was which number, the smaller is now Queen one and the larger Queen two.


Queen One: Again, the smaller of the two queens, first when moving refusing to eat so is now smaller. She is now flourishing and happily eating everything offered, good news is I know exactly when to feed them because almost all the ants leave the nest searching for food I assume. Here is a side, top, and closeup view of the colony and enclosure.

Queen one: Colony Closeup
Queen one: Nest Sideview
Queen one: Nest Overview

Queen Two: The larger of the two queens, these guys have no problem eating anything at any time. These girls also eat everything offered, they drag the food into the nest, rip them apart, eat them, and then put their trash in a corner. More pictures below :)

Queen 2: Colony Closeup
Queen 2: Nest Overview
Queen 2: Nest Side View

Edited by antking117, August 28 2018 - 4:27 AM.

#28 Offline Antking117 - Posted October 7 2018 - 9:44 PM


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[QUICK UPDATE] 10/08/18

Queen Two: Queen two is now queen one as I sold the other colony to a happy new owner. This queen is going very strong easily tripled in size since last picture. They eat the dubia roaches I now feed them happily. I have other colonies I will post about if they make it through the first winter. This queen will surely make it I hope. They have been very messy with their sunburst which was unsettling because that can get moldy if left. 

Edited by antking117, October 7 2018 - 9:45 PM.

#29 Offline Antking117 - Posted March 18 2019 - 4:05 AM


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[QUICK UPDATE] 03/18/19

The Queen: This colony went into hibernation sometime at the end of October, and I have brought her out of hibernation now. She had to move formicariums as they had made a massive mess inside their last one. The workers and queen seem to all be moving. Hopefully everything is smooth as they back in the baby making groove here shortly. More pictures and a new formicarium coming soon.

#30 Offline Antking117 - Posted March 30 2019 - 5:07 PM


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The Queen: Unfortunately the queen has passed on, she has a ton of brood and 100-200 workers now, however they will slowly die off, no need to continue the story with this colony, fortunately these ants are abundant and I will be catching a load of them this year. Stay tuned!

#31 Offline Rstheant - Posted March 30 2019 - 7:13 PM


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Sorry for your loss. Hope you catch some more. You could also boost your queens with the brood of your dead colony.

#32 Offline Antking117 - Posted March 30 2019 - 7:35 PM


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Sorry for your loss. Hope you catch some more. You could also boost your queens with the brood of your dead colony.

I totally would if i find a queen by then. Unfortunately I doubt it, I will keep ahold of the colony by then just in case though :)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: tetramorium, journal, antking, 117, tetramorium sp e, sp, pavement, ant

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