Update 7/20/2017
Ok, so it's more than a month ago i last updated this Journal, and for that I'm sorry. I have had some very busy days, and struggling to get the time to update it, however today I decided that I should update this Journal.
So what has happened since last time?
Well, due to the long update time, there is alot of new things, alot of amazing things and some strange ones too actually.
It turns out that just a couple of days ago, 2-3 days, most of my queens just got their first workers!
Picture posted down below! Sorry for my bad pictures, my phone is horrible, and right now, I can't afford a new one...
Queen 1
As you can see, the first worker for this queen is here. She still has 4 pupae left, and a big pile of brood.
Queen 2
This queen also got her first worker, she still got 3 pupae and a pile og brood.
Queen 3
First worker, 2 pupae left and a big pile of brood.
Queen 4
So this is for me a little bit strange. It only seems like she has eggs and a few small larvae, no pupae. She is caught at the same time as the other ones, but probaly she is just slower than the rest.
Queen 5
This is the fastest growing colony so far, 2 workers, and seem like the 3rd might join soon, I can see the worker in the pupae pretty good, and that should be possible in the picture too. Big pile of brood.
Queen 6
This queen doesn't have her first worker yet, but in just a couple of days she should have it, seems like one of her pupae might be ready to eclose in 4-5 days.
Queen 7
1 worker, 2 puapae and a big pile of larvae and eggs.
Queen 8
Well, this is a little bit strange too, the pupae is places away from the water, and the eggs is places in the other end, near the worker. At the left side of the worker is where the water is, and in the other side with the queen and pupae, is where the exit is. She is the only queen that has placed her pupae that far away. However she is taking care of them, she is just.... Different.
Queen 9
She got 1 worker, 4 pupae left and some eggs/larvae, spread around.
Queen 10
No workers yet, but she will have one in the next few days, hopefully tomorrow or saturday.
So this sums up what has happend since last time. I will probaly start to slowly feed the colonies with sugar water and a little bit of protein. but not that often.
I will also try to make an update more often, so we don't wait another month.