1. Location (on a map) of collection: 29 Palms, California.
2. Date of collection: July 19, 2017
3. Habitat of collection: Desert with dry grass and bushes.
4. Length (from head to gaster): 7mm
5. Color, hue, pattern and texture: Dark red to red, gaster is slightly darker red.
6. Distinguishing characteristics: Hairs covering the head and thorax. It looks similar to Pogonomyrmex rugosus but smaller. Doesn't seem to be a great climber. Appears to have a stinger at the end of the gaster. No hair under the head.
7. Distinguishing behavior: Settled into test tube without stressing out. Hasn't started grooming so may be infertile along with keeping her wings.
8. Nest description: N/A
Album : http://imgur.com/a/hjsWC
Edited by Scrixx, July 19 2017 - 6:38 PM.