Hello everyone,
My brother and I are getting ready to launch a website I've been working on over the past couple of weeks. I shared the link with a few of you and my family, to get some preliminary feedback or advice. My mother, being an Intellectual Property Attorney, promptly scolded me about the unlicensed use of images on my website, belonging to Mr. Alex Wild himself. I attributed authorship in large, bold font under the bottom of the page and took it to myself to email Mr. Wild about licensing his photos if I needed to.
Mr. Wild finally emailed back, and kindly offered to license his photos to me, for a small fee of $300-$400. Per image. $400 an image, for 40 images, would cost $16,000. That's a little bit out of my budget.
I came to the conclusion that I was going to need to take my own photographs, or get them from somewhere else. I would take them myself, but my decrepit 8 megapixel Lumix just doesn't do the trick. I also, believe it or not, don't have the budget for a nicer camera which would make my life a thousand times easier, but I'm saving up for one.
If anyone of you would be willing to supply a macro image or two for free, I would be extremely appreciative. Now, given my budget limitations, I probably won't be able to buy them from anyone, but I will attribute your ownership of the photo next to it on my website. They will be for commercial use, so don't offer them if you're not okay with that.
Here are the species I need images of:
- Brachymyrmex depilis
- Brachymyrmex patagonicus
- Camponotus pennsylvanicus
- Colobopsis impressa
- Crematogaster cerasi
- Doyrmyrmex pyramicus
- Forelius pruinosus
- Formica pallidefulva
- Lasius alienus
- Myrmica incompleta
- Myrmica sp.
- Nylanderia faisonensis
- Nylanderia flavipes
- Pheidole bicarinata
- Prenolepis imparis
- Solenopsis molesta
- Temnothorax ambiguus
- Temnothorax curvispinosus
- Temnothorax longispinosus
- Tapinoma sessile
- Tetramorium Sp. E
Thank you all so, so much.
Edited by VoidElecent, July 18 2017 - 5:56 PM.