I want Camponotus!
Go get some!
I want Camponotus!
But they take so long to grow! The growth time is about twice as slow as other ant genuses
Mine didn't take long at all in my opinion, but I'm used to keeping tarantulas and other invertebrates and I'm beginning to think whoever thinks Camponotus take "forever" is just incredibly impatient and doesn't realize that other ants actually just grow really fast. Take a step into the tarantula world and you'll know the meaning of a "slow grower" when one of your spiderlings takes 5-8 years to reach maturity haha.
Well i have two camponotus (noveboracensis) queens and they've laid a crap-ton of eggs and i now have three nanitics in 5 weeks. I was expecting them to grow much more slower but at this rate they'll both need a formicarium before winter hibernation. As a matter of fact i watched one lay an egg today. A first for me.
I may be in the same position, small formicaria but some may need an upgrade before diapause.