k well this is a bit disappointing, but I guess live and learn
so here's what happened
1) I didn't think dorymyrmex would really fly that much cuz I caught an insanus in what, feb?
2) I knew mexicanus was bigger than everything else, but didn't know by how much
3) I looked up what honeypots looked like, then started my trek out there
4) I found what I thought was mexicanus at around 9 or 10pm, so I assumed it wasn't implausible for the other myrmecocystus species to be flying too

^ mimicus
vs what I found

so assuming that the myrmecocystus that I found was mexicanus, I assumed the smaller ones were mimicus
but what actually happened was I probably found navajo, and the rest are dorymyrmex

so kind of a bitter lesson, and at least I didn't come back without anything new. hopefully my 1 myrmecocystus is fertile.