Hi guys,
Thanks for bringing all of this to my attention. Actually, this post was helpful for us at AntsCanada. Because of this, we have made some adjustments to our GAN Project, to tighten things up and improve the quality and work of the GAN Project.
Starting today we are not allowing the sale of Solenopsis invicta (RIFA) anywhere in USA. If people are not sure if they have Solenopsis invicta, we will have them post a photo on the forum to help with an ID of their queen before we put them up on the GAN Project listing.
We will also be more careful not to add queens without workers to the GAN Project, as this was our policy from the start.
From now on, as well, we will no longer allow the listing of Unidentified Queens. We will have applicants post photos of their ants in the forum ID Centre to at least get a genus name before we list them in the GAN Project.
Feedback like this is super helpful, so please continue to bring things like to our attention by emailing us at info@antscanada.com or emailing me directly mikey@antscanada.com . We also have some cool changes coming up for GAN Farmers and those buying from them soon.
Ant love forever, guys!
