Now that I have a longer moment, here's a list of what I'm starting with.
The lucky queen is Prenolepsis imparis, AKA false honeypot ant or winter ant.
Pheidole sp.
Solenopsis molesta -- I'm debating whether to keep these. They're super pretty, but also super tiny and great escape artists. I'm not keen on that kind of challenge yet, and have never been fond of their cousins, the pharaoh ant. Long story.
Tetramorium caespitum -- I'll probably trade this one out some time later, WAY too fast growing for me. This queen fired off a couple dozen eggs the day I caught her, eight hatched into nanitics almost immediately, and things just keep growing exponentially. She's a good momma -- too good!
2X Formica sp. -- these queens are nearly black with a silvery sheen. I like them, and appreciate that they're big enough to SEE and enjoy.
Always on the lookout for a large, bicolor species of Camponotus, preferably one that hatches out the occasional major.
I'm still reeling from the Photobucket mess. Photos won't happen for a while until I find a better host.