1. Vancouver (Port Moody) BC Canada, July 3rd 2017, in a park by a lake, on the road near a forested area.
2. June 24
3. Coniferous forested area (mix of Pines and firs) near a small lake. found on an asphalt road.
5. Definitely Queen ants and both the same species. Mostly black with with light stripes on their gasters and red on the top of their thoraces. Shiny gasters and dull heads. Bald from what I can see.
6. I can't seem to identify any petiole notes.
9. http://imgur.com/KJoQI8f, http://imgur.com/b6TmiP9
I apologies for not having better pictures, I can't take better photos of them without disturbing them. Both seemed to have laid eggs although one seems to pay more attention to her's and one still has wings (I suspect that she may be infertile). Due to my location I believe that they are either formica or camponotus (i'm hoping formica). Thanks for your help!