2. Date of collection: June 11. A few days after rain
3. Habitat of collection: driveway near flower garden
4. Length (from head to gaster): worker 5-6 mm. queen 11-12 mm
5. Color, hue, pattern and texture: queen is black with dark tan legs. worker has a black abdomen and dark red body. Both have shiny hairs on their abdomen. the camera brings out more red than I can see with my eye
6. Distinguishing characteristics: often found on garden soil and not on the dry sand in our area. found most often in the morning or evening. single node
7. Distinguishing behavior: tries to bite when i pick it up but no pain as its jaws seem to be weak. i see them climbing trees sometimes. the trees sometimes contain aphids
8. Nest description: i find the nests most often by stones or wood in garden soil.