Scientific Name: Solenopsis infamous
Common Name: Fire ants.
Places They've Taken Over: California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, Flordia, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Virginia, North/South Carolina, New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware.
Queen size: 8 millimeters.
Worker size: Varies, smallest 2 millimeters and largest 5 millimeters.
Natural Habitat: Wherever people are.
Circadian Activity: They honestly don't care what time it is.
Mating Flight: They literally fly all year. I'm not even joking, break into a colony deep enough and you'll see alates.
Queen Founding Method: Solenopsis invicta queens are fully claustral, but they might as well bite a few things while they wait for their workers to arrive.
Monogyne or Polygyne: Legend has it, thousands of years ago a group of invicta queens had a meeting. They were talking about how they could possibly be more annoying, and they came up with being Polygynous.
Average time from egg to worker: I would guess that it would take less than twelve hours, unless the queen is a baseball throwing machine, but with eggs instead of baseballs.
Recommended Temperature: It's never too hot for them. They're bad at handling cold though.
Recommended Humidity: Again they don't care. I could throw them in an easybake-oven and they would start setting up their nest.
Preferred Foods: They will eat anything you give them. Although, one of their hobbies includes killing most native species and pushing them away from antkeepers and people.
Escape Barrier Methods: None. They'll find a way out.
Difficulty rating: There is no difficulty rating because people who keep them probably die before they can let others know about them.
Bite and/or Sting rating: I give them a 182/10 on their stings and biting. They've mastered it.
Special Care or Interesting Notes: They hate people. They hate you. They hate other ants.
Additional Links: http://www.antwiki.o...enopsis_invicta
Edited by Ants_Texas, July 8 2017 - 8:59 PM.