I just captured my fourth queen thus far, but i have a problem, i can't identify it.
I think its some kind of Solenopsis, but i can't find a single species that matches the characteristics of my queen, i can't put her inside a test tube yet because i left them at my house, and for the same reson i can't take a good picture of it, but i will try to describe it as well as i can.
Found in México at 4:00 pm aprox. in the Veracruz state, in Xalapa city.
It was found during a sunny, not too hot, not too cold day.
The tip of its head is red, but the rest is brown.
it has medium-small eyes.
the antennae get progressively bigger, and are curved outwards.
the shape of the head from above is flat, but a little bit like a tooth.
i can barely see any hair, just fuzz.
the same thing that happens with the head applies to the legs.
it has 2 waist bumps that look like stalks.
that's what i can figure out right now, i thank in advance to all people who help me identify this ant and give tips or info on how to create a succesful colony, I'm still a rookie.