1. Location of collection : On a tree in my yard in Spring Creek, NV. Elko County.
2. Date of collection : 6/15/2017
3. Habitat of collection : Semi arid rangeland. Weeping willow, Kentucky bluegrass, Crested Wheatgrass, Basin Big Sage, Green Rabbitbrush.
4. Length (to the nearest millimeter or 1/16th of an inch.) 10mm.
5. Coloration, hue, pattern and texture: Black all over with slightly red legs, light black bands on the gaster.
6. Distinguishing characteristics: Petioles lacking, roughly 11 antennae segments, short pubescence on gaster. Mandibles wedge shaped with 3-4 serrations, similar to social parasite species, but much smaller. Gaster is larger than thorax and head together.
7. Anything else distinctive : Found on a willow tree which typically has Camponotus spp. majors and super majors all over it. Previously captured a Camponotus alate on the same tree, but she died in test tube. Panic ensued when I tired o capture her and she took a leap of faith off of the tree into the grass beneath.
8. Nest description : No apparent nest, but possible related to small (2-4mm) black ants that inhabit yard along side Camponotus.
9 . Pics in Spoiler.
Edited by CallMeCraven, June 16 2017 - 7:34 AM.