So I got this queen along with another of the same species from dspdrew a few days ago. These two queens I got were both duds, and I was only taking them off Drew's hands so he would not have to worry about them any more. In no way was this, or the other queen expected to make a colony. She has been acting weird since, but I guess I will ask what is wrong with her. Torwards the end of the video, she is compared to the other, normal, and calmer queen. Here are some examples of her behavior:
-Scattered brood
-Self harm (You will see at the beginning of the video she is biting her own front leg)
-Little control of front legs/ Little coordination
To sum it up, she seems brain dead. Here is a video.
This queen was a suspected dud that I was taking off Drew's hands. This was not actually a queen of a colony bought by me.
Edited by Gregory2455, November 13 2014 - 11:11 PM.