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Greg's Tetramorium sp. Journal (Discontinued)

pavement ant journal tetramorium tetramorium caespitum tetramorium sp.e

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#61 Offline Gregory2455 - Posted February 17 2016 - 12:46 PM


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Update: 2/17/2016

So... I... I uhhh accidentally dehydrated this colony along with my large Crematogaster sp.1 colony.

The colony went from the queen, ~1200 workers, and ~300 brood to the queen, ~30 workers, and ~50 brood. The queen has laid eggs since the disaster so I do not think she is damaged, and I do believe and hope this colony will bounce back.

#62 Offline Gregory2455 - Posted April 10 2016 - 4:31 PM


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Update: 4/10/2016

The colony is starting to make its comeback now. I need to start thinking of a formicarium design with an easy hydration system so I do not dehydrate them again. :lol:

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: pavement ant, journal, tetramorium, tetramorium caespitum, tetramorium sp.e

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