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Black Crazy Ants vs. Yellow Crazy Ants

paratrechina longicornis anoplolepis gracilipes comparison ectetera

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#1 Offline AntswerMe - Posted May 19 2017 - 4:39 AM


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Hey fellow anters, I'm looking to get some Yellow Crazy Ants, Anoplolepis gracilipes, and I already have Black Crazy Ants, Paratrechina longicornis. What is your experience with A. gracilipes as compared to P. longicornis? Do they grow at a similar rate? Are they picky eaters? How far can they spray formic acid? What kind of nest would suit them? Do they fly, mate in the nest, or both? Are they an easy or difficult species to keep?

#2 Offline Batspiderfish - Posted May 19 2017 - 4:52 AM


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Anoplolepis are not found in Florida, from what I can tell.

If you've enjoyed using my expertise and identifications, please do not create undue ecological risk by releasing your ants. The environment which we keep our pet insects is alien and oftentimes unsanitary, so ensure that wild populations stay safe by giving your ants the best care you can manage for the rest of their lives, as we must do with any other pet.


Exotic ants are for those who think that vibrant diversity is something you need to pay money to see. It is illegal to transport live ants across state lines.



Black lives still matter.

#3 Offline AntswerMe - Posted May 19 2017 - 4:58 AM


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I am aware of that. I was buying a queen.

#4 Offline Batspiderfish - Posted May 19 2017 - 5:02 AM


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You cannot import queens (of aggressively invasive species) because it is illegal. I am aware of that.

Edited by Batspiderfish, May 19 2017 - 5:02 AM.

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If you've enjoyed using my expertise and identifications, please do not create undue ecological risk by releasing your ants. The environment which we keep our pet insects is alien and oftentimes unsanitary, so ensure that wild populations stay safe by giving your ants the best care you can manage for the rest of their lives, as we must do with any other pet.


Exotic ants are for those who think that vibrant diversity is something you need to pay money to see. It is illegal to transport live ants across state lines.



Black lives still matter.

#5 Offline Serafine - Posted May 19 2017 - 5:15 AM


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Do they grow at a similar rate? Are they picky eaters? How far can they spray formic acid? What kind of nest would suit them? Do they fly, mate in the nest, or both? Are they an easy or difficult species to keep?

It is illegal to import them and in their case it is for good reasons.


Yellow crazy ants can grow pretty quickly.

No, they are not pick eaters and they are not picky in terms of nesting space either. They can mate within the nest.

If they ever escape they will go on a killing spree murdering any native wildlife that cannot escape them (including crabs, frogs, lizards, rodents, bird and mammal babies) and multiply at a rate that will soon eradicate every native ant species in your area.

These ants are a highly invasive creeping natural disaster and should NOT be imported to ANY part of the world on purpose.

Edited by Serafine, May 19 2017 - 7:10 AM.

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#6 Offline Alabama Anter - Posted May 19 2017 - 5:22 AM

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Please do not import these highly invasive ants over to the gulf states. We do not need to add to our highly invasive list (Paratechina longicornis, Solenopsis richteri, Solenopsis invicta, Brachymyrmex patagonius, Pheidole megacagalpha.)

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#7 Offline sgheaton - Posted May 19 2017 - 5:24 AM


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I am now aware of that. 

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#8 Offline AntswerMe - Posted May 19 2017 - 5:59 AM


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I didn't know that. Interesting.

#9 Offline Batspiderfish - Posted May 19 2017 - 6:46 AM


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You cannot import ants past state lines at all in the US, unless you have gone through the lengthy approval of APHIS. This should be common knowledge.

Edited by Batspiderfish, May 19 2017 - 6:48 AM.

  • GXF and Martialis like this

If you've enjoyed using my expertise and identifications, please do not create undue ecological risk by releasing your ants. The environment which we keep our pet insects is alien and oftentimes unsanitary, so ensure that wild populations stay safe by giving your ants the best care you can manage for the rest of their lives, as we must do with any other pet.


Exotic ants are for those who think that vibrant diversity is something you need to pay money to see. It is illegal to transport live ants across state lines.



Black lives still matter.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: paratrechina longicornis, anoplolepis gracilipes, comparison, ectetera

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