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New Chat Room

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8 replies to this topic

#1 Offline dspdrew - Posted May 14 2017 - 12:12 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

By now I think most people know about the new instant messenger and chat room. I know everybody was used to the old chat, but that service has been discontinued so we had to move on to something new. The new chat has its upsides and its downsides, but I've been working hard to iron out all the wrinkles and to make it fit as nicely as possible with the rest of the forum.


Over the next few weeks I'll be making a lot of modifications to the application, so you may want to clear your cache periodically or if you're using Windows, simply hit CTRL + F5.


If any of you have any problems, suggestions or requests, this would be the place to post them.


So far I have:


1. Matched the vast majority of the chat application's theme with the theme of the forum.

2. Made plenty modifications to make the chat room look as much like the old one as possible, excluding some of the things that weren't so great about it.

3. Made changes to the chat room moderator options.

4. Modified the back end code to automatically assign administrator or moderator status to members who are already in those groups on the forum.

5. Fixed the chat button on the mobile version of the forum (and the member map button too while I was at it).

#2 Offline T.C. - Posted May 15 2017 - 8:39 AM


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Just thinking out loud here and not a big deal at all, but what about a message every time someone enters or leaves the chat that everyone sees?

Like the old one,

(T.C. has entered the room)
(T.C. has left the room )


#3 Offline drtrmiller - Posted May 15 2017 - 8:47 AM



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Just thinking out loud here and not a big deal at all, but what about a message every time someone enters or leaves the chat that everyone sees?
Like the old one,
(T.C. has entered the room)
(T.C. has left the room )

It's not possible. The new chat works completely differently.
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#4 Offline dspdrew - Posted May 15 2017 - 9:44 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Just thinking out loud here and not a big deal at all, but what about a message every time someone enters or leaves the chat that everyone sees?

Like the old one,

(T.C. has entered the room)
(T.C. has left the room )


I was just discussing this. I totally agree. I can't believe anyone would design a chat room that doesn't do that. It's not a PM, so when the person leaves without you knowing, you're basically talking to yourself. They won't get the messages unless they come back in within an hour, AND bother to scroll back up and read everything. It's also nice to see who comes in, because sometimes it might be someone you need to talk to. Constantly reading through the user/buddy list just isn't going to cut it. I'll see if I can possibly write the code myself.

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#5 Offline Reacker - Posted May 15 2017 - 2:17 PM


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Just thinking out loud here and not a big deal at all, but what about a message every time someone enters or leaves the chat that everyone sees?
Like the old one,
(T.C. has entered the room)
(T.C. has left the room )

It's not possible. The new chat works completely differently.


of course it's possible, Drew has the chat's source code....

#6 Offline Klassien - Posted May 15 2017 - 2:38 PM


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#7 Offline Serafine - Posted May 15 2017 - 2:52 PM


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Dark scheme please!

Opening the chat in a tab at night is like getting a flash grenade thrown in the face.


Also can't we just use Discord? It's so much better.

Edited by Serafine, May 15 2017 - 2:58 PM.

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#8 Offline Kevin - Posted May 15 2017 - 2:57 PM


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Dark sheme please!

Opening the chat in a tab at night is like getting a flash grenade thrown in the face.


Also can't we just use Discord? It's so much better.


I don't think discord would really work out unless you embed it into the website, and not everyone wants to make an account. I do agree with a dark theme though.

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#9 Offline sgheaton - Posted May 15 2017 - 5:19 PM


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Part of me is glad that my work updated things/chat didn't work anymore. The other part of me doesn't like the new version - and is really glad to have sidestepped all the unnecessary drama/bickering/ridiculousness that seems to be apparent all over the forum.


You're on a message board talking about ants with strangers. No one cares who you are. No one is impressed at who/what you do (except maybe crazylegs because them things are amazing). You have a permit to ship ants? I don't give a flying fudge and neither does anyone else. You sell things? Neat. Good for you. I wish you the best of luck. 


I came to this website.....well quite honestly because it was the first one...but I came wanting to learn. I had never attempted to raise ants. Didn't know what to do...how to even begin. Now, I am seeing less of the welcoming and helpful community, and more of the hateful, discouraging environment. It's a bit upsetting when (what is foreign to me) I see people from across the globe coming to this website to find threads of senseless banter about the efficiency of products, legal discrepancies, and other dare I say political issues.

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