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You can combine ant colonies without queens with a worker less queen

queen ant combing colonies dead queen

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#21 Offline StayLoki - Posted May 19 2018 - 7:01 PM


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I should have just asked on this post but it's a little different.
@Batspiderfish will you offer advice here: http://www.formicult...ing/#entry91727

#22 Offline YsTheAnt - Posted May 19 2018 - 9:29 PM


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Yeah, I have done this as well. Recently had a V. pergandei with about 10 workers whose queen died, and another workerless queen with lots of pupae and larvae. I put both colonies in the fridge for about 15 min, took them out, and placed the queenless colony with the other queen and they got along fine.

Do you know if this will work with majors? I have a lone Camponotus Pennsylvanicus major and a queen whose workers have all died out. She tried a few times to lay more eggs but she seems rather inept. All of her eggs/larvae have died off. If I refrigerate and introduce them do they have a good chance of getting along?
Majors don't get along well, and don't help much at tending brood. Get a handful of minors, it'll be best for your queen, and use the provided method to make a colony. Majors are stubborn, and generally useless for a founding queen.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: queen, ant, combing colonies, dead queen

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