Here's the site:
This category is a bit unnerving.
Other Native Animals Includes the other animals not included in the sections above. Scientific, Educational, Non-commercial propagation
Here's the site:
This category is a bit unnerving.
Other Native Animals Includes the other animals not included in the sections above. Scientific, Educational, Non-commercial propagation
Its ok to step on a bug but if you "collect" it you would be violating California law?
That could be the case.
That is the case for many animals. Like in NY I can catch and eat bass(in season), but I better not put it in a tank.
Wow. That's so stupid. Ant keepers simply wish to help ants live, (maybe some personal enjoyment as well, but at no risk to the insects whatsoever, in fact, quite the opposite) as ant colonies would have much higher success rates under the care of those who would provide infinite food, protection from the elements/predators/rival colonies, and stellar housing perfectly tailored to the current requirements of the colony. So in short, ants would do much better under an antkeeper's care then in the wild (unless said antkeeper is keeping ants with no regard to fulfill their basic biological needs (decent amount of food, decent amount of water, decent-sized nests maintained in a way that ants do not mind. That's pretty much it, it's really not that hard to keep simple ants)). I'm glad I'm living in Canada. Instead of wasting their "expertise" on making these frivolous and closed-minded laws going against what people are doing to actually help the ecosystem (ants play a very important role in it), they should be creating laws against just buying guns willy-nilly, or keeping exotic pets like cougars or bears or wolves, which, do not only pose a danger to the owner, but also everyone in the area. (My apologies if you believe that it is ok to keep such exotic pets, but I strongly disagree). Those are just some of the many stupid laws in my opinion, and if I were to go on and on, this post would be as tall as my house.
I agree with what Klassien said about how lawmakers must keep their jobs somehow, so they are making stupid laws so they don't get fired. I personally do not wish to e-mail the government or interact with them in any way as after reading this topic my protest against most of the government's decisions is now even stronger. However, my lack of wanting to interact with the government does not mean I do not care about this topic. In fact, I was supposed to play video games right now (something very dear to my heart ) but then I read this post and I felt obligated to post a reply, in hopes of motivating those who ARE asking the government to remove this senseless law. Good luck to everyone who is standing up to the big bad wolf, and I hope you succeed in your journey. Keep me posted!
Colonies: (Max 60/70 workers)
Camponotus Pennsylvanicus
Lasius sp.
Prenolepis Imparis?
Tetramorium Immigrans x 2
Lasius sp. (Different species than one above, caught recently)
- Not a lot of ants, I know. I don't look for queens anymore, I just stumble upon them (not literally). It's all an amazing learning experience for me! (I still take good care of them, don't worry). But I'm still as busy as an ant!
Wow. That's so stupid. Ant keepers simply wish to help ants live, (maybe some personal enjoyment as well, but at no risk to the insects whatsoever, in fact, quite the opposite) as ant colonies would have much higher success rates under the care of those who would provide infinite food, protection from the elements/predators/rival colonies, and stellar housing perfectly tailored to the current requirements of the colony. So in short, ants would do much better under an antkeeper's care then in the wild (unless said antkeeper is keeping ants with no regard to fulfill their basic biological needs (decent amount of food, decent amount of water, decent-sized nests maintained in a way that ants do not mind. That's pretty much it, it's really not that hard to keep simple ants)). I'm glad I'm living in Canada. Instead of wasting their "expertise" on making these frivolous and closed-minded laws going against what people are doing to actually help the ecosystem (ants play a very important role in it), they should be creating laws against just buying guns willy-nilly, or keeping exotic pets like cougars or bears or wolves, which, do not only pose a danger to the owner, but also everyone in the area. (My apologies if you believe that it is ok to keep such exotic pets, but I strongly disagree). Those are just some of the many stupid laws in my opinion, and if I were to go on and on, this post would be as tall as my house.
I agree with what Klassien said about how lawmakers must keep their jobs somehow, so they are making stupid laws so they don't get fired. I personally do not wish to e-mail the government or interact with them in any way as after reading this topic my protest against most of the government's decisions is now even stronger. However, my lack of wanting to interact with the government does not mean I do not care about this topic. In fact, I was supposed to play video games right now (something very dear to my heart
) but then I read this post and I felt obligated to post a reply, in hopes of motivating those who ARE asking the government to remove this senseless law. Good luck to everyone who is standing up to the big bad wolf, and I hope you succeed in your journey. Keep me posted!
Granted you live in Canada so U. S. laws are of little meaning to you. However for you to state you are not interested in helping to stand up to " the big bad wolf" but to wish those of us who are luck is just a little bit insulting. Go back to your video games while we continue to try to keep the government from running you over with their stupid laws.
Granted you live in Canada so U. S. laws are of little meaning to you. However for you to state you are not interested in helping to stand up to " the big bad wolf" but to wish those of us who are luck is just a little bit insulting. Go back to your video games while we continue to try to keep the government from running you over with their stupid laws.
I agree, just because we [I too live in Canada] don't live in the US Doesn't mean we shouldn't pay attention. All it takes is the USA to pass some laws and "prove it helps or makes the Government monies" and then BAM Canada follows suit shortly after.
Oh sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I meant no offense to anyone at all, I am sorry. What I was trying to say that, in my opinion, its not a great law and the antkeeping community obviously isn't very happy about it. I know that if I said just that sentence about this law not being great, my other post would've been short and not offensive. But I felt like I needed to support it a little more, and obviously I chose the wrong topics and words to use. And dermy I agree, I never said that no one from other countries should also help, I actually think it's great that other countries want to help as well. Also gcsnelling, I am aware that I have insulted you guys, and for that, once again I am sorry. But I can't say I appreciate the way you pointed out that I was insulting, I actually took some offense from the last sentence you wrote "Go back to your video games while we continue to try to keep the government from running you over with their stupid laws." I understand you were angry after reading my post, but I still simply feel that that level of sarcasm wasn't necessary. You made it seem that I do not care at all about what is happening in California and other places around the world, but if that were true, why would I post something in this topic in the first place? I really do care. But once again, really sorry for any insults and offense I gave to you guys! I guess after reading that this law became a thing in California I was very upset and was too hasty and should have gave more thought to the things I have said. And it's not that I don't like the U.S.A, I do, I'm actually pretty jealous of it! And it's not that I disagree with all their laws, but I don't really agree with just a few (in my opinion). In fact, I disagree with quite a lot of Canada's rules as well, (In my opinion). I applaud you guys for trying to change this law about picking up and keeping insects, I think it's great that you guys are doing it! I'm really sorry!
Colonies: (Max 60/70 workers)
Camponotus Pennsylvanicus
Lasius sp.
Prenolepis Imparis?
Tetramorium Immigrans x 2
Lasius sp. (Different species than one above, caught recently)
- Not a lot of ants, I know. I don't look for queens anymore, I just stumble upon them (not literally). It's all an amazing learning experience for me! (I still take good care of them, don't worry). But I'm still as busy as an ant!
Gordon--Do you know how much of the proposed legislation became law?
Specifically, what are the requirements for non-professional ant enthusiasts such as members of to collect specimens without breaking the law?
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