I use and recommend the BelOMO 10x hand loupe. $33 on Amazon.
I just hold it up to my iPhone's camera when I take a picture.
Pogonomyrmex Californicus (I think.)
The benefit is that you'll have an awesome, high quality hand loupe that is recommended by many entomologists and geologists.
I actually have one that I use to ID plants at work. I have never thought of using it with my camera. I will give it a shot, thanks!
I brought my lens home and gave it a shot on some wild workers from my yard, as well as a dead queen covered in mold (sad but I was saving her for an occasion to test pics). The workers in a test tube where far to crazy, running around like they had just been abducted (
), and trying to hold my phone, the hand lens, and position the test tube was challenging. I gave up on them and moved onto my dead queen. She was far easier to take a picture of, but my fat hands kept shifting the hand lens, making clear pictures not always possible. I really appreciate the suggestion, but it looks like a clip on lens is going to work much better for me.
Here are some photos of the dead queen for those interested with my smartphone, 20x bausch and lomb hand lens, and quickly improvised lighting.

Current Colony:
4x Camponotus (hyatti?)
Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left.
-Aldo Leopold