Starting tomorrow, I'm on vacation for 28 days. I hope the colonies do well.
Colony 1
~1:55 PM: I went down into the basement to check on them.
~2:00 PM: Took worker count: 5
2:15 PM: I gave this colony a dead or dying Fruit Fly. (Species Drosophila hydei, fresh from my culture)
2:39 PM: Left basement.
7:43 PM: I went down into the basement to check on them. The fly that I gave them last time was gone.
7:54 PM: I took out the old Sunburst-soaked cotton.
7:57 PM: I placed a new Sunburst-soaked cotton in the tube.
7:59 PM: I placed a dead or dying Fruit Fly (Species Drosophila hydei, fresh from my culture) in their tube.
8:33 PM: Left basement.
Colony 2
~1:55 PM: I went down into the basement to check on them.
~2:00 PM: Took worker count: ~10-11
2:17 PM: I gave this colony a dead or dying Fruit Fly. (Species Drosophila hydei, fresh from my culture)
2:19 PM: A worker finds the fly and starts dragging it.
2:21 PM: The worker was having trouble dragging the fly becuase cotton strands were stuck to the fly. I tried helping, which scared the worker and she returned to her colony.
2:23 PM: A worker comes back and starts dragging again. The fly gets locked in place again from a strand.
2:24 PM: The strand comes off. Worker continues on with dragging the fly.
2:25 PM: Whoops! A bit of chaos as the piece of Sunburst-soaked cotton starts rolling everywhere. After the chaso, the fly ended up on top of the cotton, and the worker was back to her colony.
2:26 PM: I knoch the fly off of the cotton.
2:39 PM: Left basement.
7:43 PM: I went down into the basement to check on them. The fly I gave them last time was still there at the back of the tube.
8:06 PM: I took out the old Sunburst-soaked cotton.
8:08 PM: I placed a new Sunburst-soaked cotton in their tube.
8:33 PM: Left basement.
Colony 3
~1:55 PM: I went down into the basement to check on them. There was a dead, pale worker in the colony. Maybe a failed eclosion?
~2:00 PM: Took worker count: 5
2:33 PM: I gave this colony a dead or dying Fruit Fly. (Species Drosophila hydei, fresh from my culture)
2:39 PM: Left basement.
7:43 PM: I went down into the basement to check on them. The fly I gave them last time was gone.
8:10 PM: I took out the old Sunburst-soaked cotton.
8:11 PM: I placed a new Sunburst-soaked cotton in their tube.
8:13 PM: I gave this colony a dead or dying Fruit Fly. (Species Drosophila hydei, fresh from my culture)
8:33 PM: Left basement.
Queen 4
Colony 5
~1:55 PM: I went down into the basement to check on them. The fly I gave them last time was gone.
~2:00 PM: Took worker count: 12
2:35 PM: I gave this colony a dead or dying Fruit Fly. (Species Drosophila hydei, fresh from my culture)
2:39 PM: Left basement.
7:43 PM: I went down into the basement to check on them.
8:14 PM: I took out the old Sunburst-soaked cotton.
8:17 PM: I placed a new Sunburst-soaked cotton in their tube.
8:17 PM: I gave this colony a dead or dying Fruit Fly. (Species Drosophila hydei, fresh from my culture)
8:33 PM: Left basement.
Queen 6
~1:55 PM: I went down into the basement to check on them. She was still the same.
2:39 PM: Left basement.
7:43 PM: I went down into the basement to check on them. This queen was the same.
8:22 PM: I decided to do something with this queen. I placed a Sunburst-soaked cotton in her tube. She began drinking shortly after.
8:33 PM: Left basement.
Colony 7
~1:55 PM: I went down into the basement to check on them.
~2:00 PM: Took worker count: 5
2:37 PM: I gave this colony a dead or dying Fruit Fly. (Species Drosophila hydei, fresh from my culture)
2:39 PM: Left basement.
7:43 PM: I went down into the basement to check on them. The fly I gave them last time was still there, at the back of the tube.
8:24 PM: I took out the old Sunburst-soaked cotton.
8:26 PM: I placed a new Sunburst-soaked cotton in their tube.
8:33 PM: Left basement.
Colony 8
~1:55 PM: I went down into the basement to check on them.
~2:00 PM: Took worker count: ~11-12
2:39 PM: I gave this colony a dead or dying Fruit Fly. (Species Drosophila hydei, fresh from my culture)
2:39 PM: Left basement.
7:43 PM: I went down into the basement to check on them. The fly I gave them last time was gone.
8:27 PM: I took out the old Sunburst-soaked cotton.
8:29 PM: I placed a new Sunburst-soaked cotton in their tube.
8:29 PM: I gave this colony a dead or dying Fruit Fly. (Species Drosophila hydei, fresh from my culture.
8:33 PM: Left baement.