Saw what I believe to be Crematogaster , two types of Aphenogaster, and some indecisive parasitic Lasius on the way home from work in NE Kansas. Today is shaping up to be a good day.
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Saw what I believe to be Crematogaster , two types of Aphenogaster, and some indecisive parasitic Lasius on the way home from work in NE Kansas. Today is shaping up to be a good day.
Saw what I believe to be Crematogaster , two types of Aphenogaster, and some indecisive parasitic Lasius on the way home from work in NE Kansas. Today is shaping up to be a good day.
Nice! Did you catch them?
It just rained early this morning so I am going to keep an eye out this afternoon and the next couple days. I'd love to get some Crematogaster... I know I saw a couple workers at my friends house so I may try to go over there.
Saw some Mymica again this year, what I guess was a parasitic Formica, and something that looked like Lasius neoniger, but I don't trust my identification skills enough yet to say for certain. I feel pretty confident on what I saw, though, except what I'm calling Aphenogaster. I could easily be the wrong genus there. I saw a lot of ants swarming but not actually taking flight. I'm not sure what that's about. Here's hoping there's a little more that fly tonight. There are still a few puddles left from yesterday's rain, so it's certainly wet enough.
Caught some Crematogaster, since there were literally hundreds and hundreds trying to burrow in places that would get them killed. C. lineolata, maybe? They seem tricky to tell apart. Shame I couldn't share, as I probably collected too many. Also grabbed a pair of winged L. neoniger that probably are unfertilized.
I've been finding quite a few parasitic Lasius queens, Ponera pennsylvanicus queens, and Myrmecina americana queens from last years flights.
It's that time again!
Ants have been flying here in Indiana for the past few weeks. I thought I would revive this thread for all anters in the Midwest. Feel free to post sightings or discuss anting in this thread!
Camponotus chromaiodes have flown back in April, they can be found in logs right now. I have also been seeing Camponotus pennsylvanicus and Camponotus nearcticus flying now.
Huge heat wave his weekend, you can expect huge flights at night and probably day if the humidity is correct. TC and I have seen Stenamma and Camponotus flights in the past week or two.
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