Barristan is the winner!
Thanks, man.
While I have this thread here, and apparently the attention of some who know PHP, I'm going to work on a couple other mods I have had planned. If I run into trouble I'll be posting it here.
Does this "hook" work by sort of intercepting the arrays, modifying them, and then sending them to the template?
/** * Remove Forums from Board Index * @file tbRfbiBoardIndex.php Skin overloader (skin_boards) * * @copyright (c) 2006 - 2013 Invision Byte * @link * @author Terabyte * @since 17/12/2010 * @updated 07/08/2011 * @version 2.0.0 (20000) */ class tbRfbiBoardIndex extends skin_boards(~id~) { public function boardIndexTemplate( $lastvisit="", $stats=array(), $cat_data=array(), $show_side_blocks=true, $side_blocks=array() ) { /* Prepare.. */ $this->settings['tb_rfbi_forums'] = IPSText::cleanPermString( $this->settings['tb_rfbi_forums'] ); if ( $this->settings['tb_rfbi_forums'] && is_array($cat_data) && count($cat_data) ) { /* ..and explode! */ $idsToHide = array_flip( explode(',', $this->settings['tb_rfbi_forums']) ); // Flip it! foreach( $cat_data as $catIndex => $catData ) { /* Take care of the categories */ if ( isset($idsToHide[ $catData['cat_data']['id'] ]) ) { unset( $cat_data[ $catIndex ], $idsToHide[ $catData['cat_data']['id'] ] ); /* Count check */ if ( !count($idsToHide) ) { break; } } /* Take care of forums */ elseif ( is_array($catData['forum_data']) && count($catData['forum_data']) ) { foreach( $catData['forum_data'] as $fIndex => $fData ) { if ( isset($idsToHide[ $fIndex ]) ) { unset( $cat_data[ $catIndex ]['forum_data'][ $fIndex ], $idsToHide[ $fIndex ] ); /* Count check */ if ( !count($idsToHide) ) { break 2; } } /* Take care of subforums */ elseif ( is_array($fData['subforums']) && count($fData['subforums']) ) { foreach( $fData['subforums'] as $subIndex => $subData ) { if ( isset($idsToHide[ $subData[0] ]) ) { unset( $cat_data[ $catIndex ]['forum_data'][ $fIndex ]['subforums'][ $subIndex ], $idsToHide[ $subData[0] ] ); /* Count check */ if ( !count($idsToHide) ) { break 3; } } } } } } } } return parent::boardIndexTemplate( $lastvisit, $stats, $cat_data, $show_side_blocks, $side_blocks ); } }
Okay I can't figure it out without spending days and days studying PHP. Does anyone know how I can modify the above code to hide an entire forum category (ID: 45) from the index page, excluding (allowing it to show) for all members in a particular group (ID: 17)?
The settings for this hook only allow me to hide categories, forums , and subforums from the index page for all groups. I want to add a conditional to hide it from all but one, or a list of groups.
Yeah I get the general idea, but I need to know the actual variables/arrays and how to get them.
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