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Tetramorium sp E. homemade nest

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#1 Offline Klassien - Posted April 7 2017 - 3:35 PM


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I was looking at the Tetramorium hybrid nest from Antscanada and realized it costs a lot of money for a little thing...So I attempted to build my own nest lol. Cost me almost $4 to make (that was for the vinyl tubing). It's got a little chamber to put a sponge in for humidity--all I'd have to do is use my dremel to cut a rectangular removable cover. Not so sure how I feel about it or even if they'd even like it. Is it a decent nest, should I try to make another nest, or look for one to buy?


Won't let me upload images :(




#2 Offline sgheaton - Posted April 7 2017 - 3:55 PM


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You did everything correctly in my opinion! Except why is your bead organizer upside down? Cut a portion of it out, a small square, and hot glue the big chunk down solid. The small portion will be your "access" door so to speak. Keep the whole thing sealed but the other way around? 

This was my "starter" until I got my "other" set up going. I was inspired by Smilesforants's set up and attempted a rendition of that. It's what I'd consider a fairly cheap/minimalist approach. Good luck!

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#3 Offline Klassien - Posted April 7 2017 - 7:00 PM


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You did everything correctly in my opinion! Except why is your bead organizer upside down? Cut a portion of it out, a small square, and hot glue the big chunk down solid. The small portion will be your "access" door so to speak. Keep the whole thing sealed but the other way around? 

This was my "starter" until I got my "other" set up going. I was inspired by Smilesforants's set up and attempted a rendition of that. It's what I'd consider a fairly cheap/minimalist approach. Good luck!

Got the box from the clearance section, it's got 2 long scratches and the left latch doesn't work right. That is a really good idea; I'm actually using this as a temporary nest/outworld until I can make/buy something that looks naturalistic. I definitely want to be careful with the design because tetramorium seem to just fit in the smallest nooks they can find (from my experience lol). Thanks a bunch!

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