What video games do/did you guys play?
Right now i'm replaying D2 and Starcraft BR
What video games do/did you guys play?
Right now i'm replaying D2 and Starcraft BR
Empire of the Undergrowth, its the real deal .
Edited by drtrmiller, April 6 2017 - 6:04 PM.
Overwatch on PC anyone?
League of Legends all the way boiz
Keeper of:
Camponotus Vicinus
Prenolepis Imparis
Tetramorium Sp. E x2
League of Legends all the way boiz
Oh what. you mean that toxic game?
I own StarCraft, but never invested enough time in it to get really good.
I'm more a casual gamer, and Nintendo games really fit the bill there.
I also really enjoy watching let's plays like the Game Grumps and CarlSagan42 on YouTube.
I'm a casual starcraft player myself, usually run matches against cpu lol
League of Legends all the way boiz
I used to play that game on the daily about 2 years ago - i was ranked only Gold though
I dabble in Overwatch. I like Gengi and Winston.
RTS would be Age of Empires II HD (I know).
I'm ok at Civ V.
I can teach you how to have a Triceratops for one day in Ark before somebody kills it, and you, and then burns down your home.
I wanna play through Dark Souls III again.
Also Minecraft, because the earth itself is made of anxiety. 7 Days to Die being the much uglier version.
My steam handle is... Batspiderfish
Battle.net is Lasius#11175
Edited by Batspiderfish, May 2 2017 - 5:55 AM.
If you've enjoyed using my expertise and identifications, please do not create undue ecological risk by releasing your ants. The environment which we keep our pet insects is alien and oftentimes unsanitary, so ensure that wild populations stay safe by giving your ants the best care you can manage for the rest of their lives, as we must do with any other pet.
Exotic ants are for those who think that vibrant diversity is something you need to pay money to see. It is illegal to transport live ants across state lines.
Black lives still matter.
I'm an xbox/pc gamer. i used to be a streamer
Owner of MichiganAnts, a YouTube Channel dedicated to all my Michigan colonies found and raise in my backyard
Keeper of:
Camponotus Pennsylvanicus
Camponotus Noveboracensis
Keeper of:
1x Camponotus herculeanus
1x Camponotus sylvaticus
1x Formica cinerea
1x Formica fusca
1x Formica lemani
1x Lasius flavus
2x Lasius niger
We should respect all forms of consciousness. The body is just a vessel, a mere hull.
Welcome to Lazy Tube - My Camponotus Journal
I only play tic-tac-toe. It has most reliable software, in fact, it's so reliable it doesn't even need actual software.
Been playing Minecraft a lot lately as my daughter really loves it, and the first game she and I can really play together now that she's old enough. Been hopping in and out of Pillars of Eternity to hopefully actually finish the game before the next version comes out in two years My other go to game is Kerbal Space Program if I want to have 3 or 4 hours disappear and have no idea where the time went... Been a PC gamer for years... however with kids a lot less time time right now.
Edited by noebl1, April 7 2017 - 3:28 AM.
Been playing Minecraft a lot lately as my daughter really loves it, and the first game she and I can really play together now that she's old enough. Been hopping in and out of Pillars of Eternity to hopefully actually finish the game before the next version comes out in two years
My other go to game is Kerbal Space Program if I want to have 3 or 4 hours disappear and have no idea where the time went... Been a PC gamer for years... however with kids a lot less time time right now.
i play minecraft toooo
Really? No one for Heroes of the Storm?
"I'm the search bar! Type questions into me and I'll search within the forums for an answer!"
By D2, do you happen to mean Diablo 2? If so, Vengeance Pally or Hammerdin, all the way.
Yes Diablo 2, i have probably made every character combination at some point or another. Necro and Sorc are my favorites.
Been playing Minecraft a lot lately as my daughter really loves it, and the first game she and I can really play together now that she's old enough. Been hopping in and out of Pillars of Eternity to hopefully actually finish the game before the next version comes out in two years
My other go to game is Kerbal Space Program if I want to have 3 or 4 hours disappear and have no idea where the time went... Been a PC gamer for years... however with kids a lot less time time right now.
i play minecraft toooo
Minecraft is a great game. I used to play it weekly with my friends while we were in college and I had a fantastic time pouring lava into my friend's houses.
Edited by Nathant2131, April 7 2017 - 9:52 AM.
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