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GAN farmer pricing (off-topic posts moved from dspdrew's destroyed classifieds thread)

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#41 Offline Alza - Posted September 7 2014 - 1:51 PM


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yea, meant Neivamyrmex nigrescens. my mom doesent like pets but, she allows me to have freedom :) and a journal is a good idea...

#42 Offline Mercutia - Posted September 7 2014 - 6:20 PM


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Again firstly, how do you think research is conducted for new colonies? By collecting and viewing new colonies. While large colonies are dug up and taken to research facilities, these are for science and research purposes, done in a scientific environment like a lab for scientific research to be publicized in a scientific community by doctors that specialize in myrmecology. You or I disrupting an ecosystem for a hobby seems like a pretty darn selfish thing to do. We are not scientists, we are hobbiests. It is irrelevant to compare the two. That's like comparing taking parrots from the rainforest to raise as pets in captivity and saying its okay because scientists take the odd one or two birds to study. So yes, your comparison is completely invalid and such behavior should not be encouraged.


And your generosity in giving out free army ant colonies is a double edged sword. Neivamyrmex nigrescens is a very aggressive species and I wouldn't recommend just handing them out to the new antkeepers that you claim so desperately want free colonies. Even the most veteran ant keepers find it very difficult to keep Neivamyrmex nigrescens which is why you'll find little to none journals about the species or care guides. They require a lot of room during their nomadic periods and they do not make permanent nests. It would be good of you to do a little more research than that if you plan on keeping any ant species at all. Neivamyrmex nigrescens is by no means an easy species to raise and I wouldn't encourage beginner or new ant keepers to start with it just based on their aggressive nature.

#43 Offline Gregory2455 - Posted September 7 2014 - 6:42 PM


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Alza, I have no idea how you plan to get so much Neivamymex as to sell them, first off, that idea was given to you by me, I doubt anyone has ever kept a colony of them, and it is a long term project of mine to at least see a queen. Not goal, because I do not see it succeeding, and long term as in years. Do you now how large Neivamyrmex colonies get? how much they consume daily? that they are NOMADIC?

#44 Offline dspdrew - Posted September 7 2014 - 7:46 PM

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Yeah, let me know when you successfully dig up an entire colony, queen and all. :lol:

#45 Offline Gregory2455 - Posted September 7 2014 - 9:27 PM


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Yeah, first off, they are not dug. A mechanical aspirator is probably your best bet, also, they are nomadic, so if you see one there one day, they may be gone then next, and third, I was surprised you want a Solenopsis colony, because they will require a lot of food and other stuff as a mature colony. Think of that multiplied by about 3 with Neivamyrmex, AND to top it all off, you said Neivamyrmex nigrescens, which is a massive species as well. You wouldn't have even bothered to say N.leonardi which the average worker is about 2.5mm.

#46 Offline dspdrew - Posted September 7 2014 - 10:36 PM

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Neivamyrmex nigrescens are no bigger than Pogonomyrmex.

#47 Offline Gregory2455 - Posted September 8 2014 - 3:01 PM


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But Neivamyrmex leonardi are abut the size of Solenopsis molesta.  :)

#48 Offline Gregory2455 - Posted September 8 2014 - 3:09 PM


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^ Actually I am not sure about that. I know that there is a very tiny Neivamyrmex here in Southern California that is about that size, but I am not sure.

#49 Offline Alza - Posted September 8 2014 - 3:09 PM


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Mercutia your wrong, myrmecology isn't a hobby it's a future life for me.

#50 Offline Gregory2455 - Posted September 8 2014 - 3:11 PM


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Yeah, I would have a plan B, because there isn't much work or pay in it, and there are a lot of people who want to do it. Broaden the spectrum to entomology at least?  :lol:

#51 Offline Mercutia - Posted September 8 2014 - 3:48 PM


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As of right now it's a hobby because:


1. You are not a published researcher with a college/university backing your publications.

2. You are not a scientist or a doctor of science. You haven't even graduated with a high school diploma, nevermind a post secondary degree, never mind a master or a doctorate.


Comparing yourself to the level of a published scientist is like a 5 year old claiming he's a police officer because his mom bought him a costume with a badge. Do not assume a position that you clearly lack the knowledge or tenacity to maintain.


It is clear that your knowledge on ants is very limited and that your arrogance in believing your knowledge on ants is vast will hinder your ability to open your mind and learn more about them.


You do not have the slightest inkling of what it takes to seriously research and publish for the benefit of the scientific community so I would refrain from acting like you do. The fact that you THINK that's what you're doing is preposterous and just shows that you are naiive and have no understanding of how the scientific community operates. For now, you are a hobbiest, nothing more. Learn some humility.

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#52 Offline Alza - Posted September 8 2014 - 4:51 PM


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Your very funny. Well it's funny you talk like your smarter then me. I don't have to be a scientist to want to be a myrmecologist. And Gregory I'm planning to be a cardiologist if this doesn't work out for me. Btw that's 7 years in college

#53 Offline Alza - Posted September 8 2014 - 4:54 PM


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They make 500,000 to 300,000 a year

#54 Offline Alza - Posted September 8 2014 - 5:00 PM


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"Comparing yourself to the level of a published scientist is like a 5 year old claiming he's a police officer because his mom bought him a costume with a badge. Do not assume a position that you clearly lack the knowledge or tenacity to maintain."  lets see who's the successful one in life, and watch me become the next dspdrew.

#55 Offline Alza - Posted September 8 2014 - 5:01 PM


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lol and that 5 year old was so me! except i wasn't with the police, i was the swat team 

#56 Offline dspdrew - Posted September 8 2014 - 5:05 PM

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Wait, what do I have to do with this?

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#57 Offline Alza - Posted September 8 2014 - 5:12 PM


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Your legendary

#58 Offline Mercutia - Posted September 8 2014 - 5:12 PM


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You don't have to be a scientist to be a myrmecologist? DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT THE WORD MYRMECOLOGIST MEANS? LOLOLOLOLLLL.


Let's break down this into simpler terms. A scientist is commonly referred to as a doctor of science. This means they get their PhD. In other words, they have their doctorate. They will also be referred to as a doctor although they may not practice medicine. You can receive a doctorate in not just the science fields. You can receive your doctorate in english, history, etc. A doctorate, or PhD just means that you have specialized in that field and contributed a dissertation to the academic community that is recognized BY the academic community.


Now lets break down the word Myrmecology. Essentially "myrmec" represents the ant portion of this word; "ology" represents the study of something. The word myrmecology means the study of ants. Entomology means the study of insects. Biology means the study of living things. Pretty simple right? To be come any "ologIST" means that you have a doctorate in that field of study. YES, you need to be a DOCTOR. You need to have your PhD.


As you do not currently have a PhD in... well... anything, you are no where near on par with the scientists that are apart of the community and it complete arrogant ignorance that would allow you to assume that you are even close to being on par with them.


Whether you pursue such grandeur in your future does not change the fact that you have achieved nothing in your present. You live in the present, not the future. I'm not sure why you'd aspire to be Drew. He's not a myrmecologist. He is just a hobbiest and he's well aware of that. He works hard to learn what he has learned as I've seen you show no such initiative to do so. You'll never get to even an amateur level with your attitude. With your current attitude you will learn nothing from this hobby and I'm sorry for it but it's just that simple. With your attitude, you will learn nothing from life as well. You are 13. Don't assume you know more than anyone else here and have a little humility and you might learn something.

#59 Offline Alza - Posted September 8 2014 - 5:13 PM


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And this moderator obviously lacks the knowledge to understand a goal

#60 Offline Alza - Posted September 8 2014 - 5:16 PM


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I'm not the one who should be embarrassed, I'm showing everyone your bad side.
And it's quite funny to read your responses
In my language we call this a rage. Lol

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